
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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Past Lives

Started by ImmortalKain, August 16, 2008, 10:54:46 PM

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Do you believe in Past Lives? There will be a discussion topic for this as well.

9 (90%)
0 (0%)
1 (10%)
Maybe/ has stipulations
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9


Ok so I am intending on starting a topic about past lives and any experiences people might have had. But first I wanted to get a general idea of who does and doesn't believe in it. Your beliefs could be of reincarnation, freak accidents of the spiritual kind, or your own personal theory like mine. I want this topic to stay on track as much as possible, though I know absolution is impossible with so many interesting people floating around here  :-D So, make your vote, then float on over to the discussion topic and say your piece.  <^> <^> <^> <^>
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


Yep, I believe in them. So there is a different thread for discussion? :?


Yes sorry I was typing a lengthy message. It should be ready now. This one is for quick comments about why you might have voted that way or whatever. Also all the spam can fall here rather than gumming up the discussion  :lol: I know I do things weird, but thats just me, so get over it  :-P
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


Hey, what's there to get over? It's all cool. 8-)


I believe that i was an ideal that desired to become real........ S hit load of good that did me. now all i can do all day is dream.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


*claps hands* I believe! I believe!!


I do believe in faeries, I do!!! I do!!! *<:)



And proud of it!   *<:)


The Dragon of Monsterous.


 I believe................................. I'll have a Scotch. Oh, wait...... got one.  :wink:
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

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