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Jotish or vedic astrology

Started by Nina, January 08, 2009, 02:42:08 PM

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When we look at the wise men and ancients we see that astrology was viewed as highly respected and turned to, even by kings and great sages. And when we look at nearly every religion we find that astrology played its part, such as the Northern Star predicting the birth of the Christ child, or Lord Balarama (an expansion of Lord Krishna) appeared under the Rohini star. Astrology of the East includes stars!

 Currently some view astrology as superstition. They do not realize or have not been informed that it is a science, when it is done properly.    

Others may view astrology as fatalistic. That is, if there is something in their chart they hold the belief that there is nothing they can do to change it. After all, it's "written in the stars," right?

Wrong. This is not the correct way to use astrology. It's purpose is not to lock one in, but to free one. When we know ahead of time about a negative time period which can produce negative results, we can take appropriate action to change that or else deal with it accordingly.

Astrology is to be used toward personal development -- and at its highest, even to use it toward spiritual advancement (if that is what one wants). It is not supposed to be used as doom and gloom with no solution.

Any increase of awareness regarding what needs changing can hasten the process of change. And any awareness of something good can be enhanced if we are informed about it. .

.Now some have the mistaken idea or even belief that if good is to happen to them it will manifest without any effort, it will just come their way. It can happen like that sometimes. However, usually we have to go after it. It is helpful to know the best time to make that endeavor. When information is given that good is coming your way, you can use it as an opportunity to draw the positive to yourself. You can get out there and accomplish that which you previously had blocks to.

There are malefics (negative or bad) and benefics (positive or good) in everyone's chart. We would all love to have a chart filled only with benefics, myself included, <s> but reality is that no one is perfect, all have come to this planet to learn something, and most charts are therefore mixed. Knowledge of that mixture can assist in clearing the path, like wiping spots off our eyeglasses help us to see more clearly where it is we are going.

  Eastern astrology is the oldest zodiac of humankind. It calculates adjustments of the shift of the zodiac, which is approximately 23 degrees over the last 1,000 years, due to the process of the equinoxes. If you have had a western chart cast it is highly likely that you will be one sign prior to what you are use to thinking of yourself as. When I first learned that Eastern astrology was 23% more accurate than Western astrology, I was thrilled. After all, the western astrological predictions for me did not seem to fit sufficiently. When I next learned that by such acceptance I probably would not be the same sign I thought I had been for many years, I was not happy, as I saw what seemed to be characteristics of that sign in my personality! What's going on here? Well, upon deeper examination I discovered that I DID indeed have those traits, but it was not due to the sign I thought it was due to, but another one which offered something similar. By relating this story I hope it will help you make any such adjustments needed, as accuracy is more important than attachment to a certain sign..

  Another interesting point is that in Western astrology our *sign* is our Sun sign. In Eastern astrology if someone were to ask you what your sign is, they mean your MOON sign or your rising sign/ascendant. Why? The Sun represents the material body which dies when we die, whereas the Moon represents the mind which we carry with us birth after birth. The Moon sign is more about how we think or our consciousness. And our rising sign tells who we are. This is all very simplified here of course, but the concept is there.

A persons inner relationship with the universe always held a fascination for many, but it is especially of interest with Eastern philosophies as it is in the East where such philosophies of inner knowledge and awareness are still practiced, so is Jyotish or Vedic astrology. One cannot help but wonder if Western astrology is a result of Western society, which is more interested in the material aspects of life than the spirit. It is interesting to note that the growing interest of Western astrologers has gone in the direction of constellational (Jyotish) astrology at the same time when meditation, inner work, and raising of consciousness have become an interest and finally acceptable here.


 This isn't to indicate one should not be concerned with their financial situation or similar. We all need to pay our rent and so on. Only that Vedic astrology will give you a balanced and holistic picture. For example, one can learn about their wealth yet learn about the psyche, is one example. There are many more.




Jyotiṣa (Sanskrit jyotiṣa, from jyótis- "light, heavenly body": also spelled Jyotish and Jyotisha in English) is the ancient Indian system of astronomy and astrology (also known as Indian astrology, Hindu astrology, and of late, Vedic astrology). Traditionally, it has three branches:[1]

    * Siddhanta: , which is Indian astronomy or mathematics (Ganita).
    * Samhita: also known as Medini Jyotisha Mundane astrology, predicting important events based on analysis of astrological dynamics in a country's horoscope or general transit events such as war, earthquakes, political events, financial positions, electional astrology; house and construction related matters (Vāstu Shāstra), animals, portents, omens etc.
    * Hora: Predictive astrology based on analysis of natal horoscopes and the moment a query is made.

The latter two are part of predictive astrology (Phalita). Conceptually, therefore,Indian astrology has two branches, Ganita (Siddhanta) and Phalita (Samhita plus Hora).

The foundation of Jyotisha is the notion of bandhu of the Vedas or scriptures, which is the connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm. The practice of Jyotisha primarily relies on the sidereal zodiac, which is different from the tropical zodiac used in Western astrology in that an ayanamsa adjustment is made for the gradual precession of the vernal equinox. Jyotisha includes several nuanced sub-systems of interpretation and prediction with elements not found in Hellenistic astrology, such as its system of lunar mansions (nakshatras).

Astrology remains an important facet in the lives of many Hindus. In Hindu culture, newborns are traditionally named based on their jyotish charts, and jyotish concepts are pervasive in the organization of the calendar and holidays as well as in many areas of life, such as in making decisions made about marriage, opening a new business, and moving into a new home. To some extent, astrology even manages to retain a position among the sciences in modern India.[2] Many Indian universities offer advanced degrees in Jyotisha, including the famous BHU (Benaras Hindu University), Sampoornanand Sanskrit University (founded as a Sanskrit college in 19th century under Wilson), KSD Sanskrit University, LBS Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth and Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (last two being deemed universities, first three being very old universities offering advanced degrees from the time of their foundations). Following a controversial judgement of the Andhra Pradesh High Court in 2001, some other Indian universities also started to offer advanced degrees in astrology.



I follow western astrology and the belief that one system is more accurate than another is only partly true. With astrology there are 3 differently levels.

1) Planets
2) Houses
3) Aspects

No one is just a Capricorn Sun, they are a Capricorn Sun in the saggittarius ruled 7th house traditionally ruled by libra, opposing a gemini ascendant and first house traditionally ruled by aries. They are also a cap/sag/libra sun who is conjunct mars in aquarius and trine moon in virgo and quincuncx mercury in aquarius.

That moon is also in the 10th house traditionally ruled by cap but also trine the ascendant and opposite that pisces mercury. And suddenly you have an entirely different person. Saturn the traditional ruler of capricorn is exalted in aquarius as this is one of it's modern rulers and also conjunct the mercury but in the 7th house. This means that those capricorn traits are exerted towards others and the person is restricted in relationships or is always thinking of the future when it comes to relationships.

But that's basically the only capricorn trait they may have, there are countless aspects and things that warp how a person acts in a chart. Everything changes once you look past the sun sign, or the moon sign, a lot of western doesn't do that because the people behind the articles are uneducated idiots. The Vedic system relies a lot more on yogas and aspects and that is the only reason they are thought to be more accurate.

Because simply looking at the signs isn't good enough and that is the practice of many amatuer western astrologers.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

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