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"lost"/forgotten books of the bible

Started by skunk12, October 01, 2004, 03:20:06 AM

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where can I find them?I'm only 14 and my mom never lets me get stuff


What you're looking for are called "Apocryphal" books of the bible. They were removed by the Catholic Church for one reason or another, usually because of controversy involved in the subject matter. One of my favorites is the Apocryphal of Judith. (Book of Judith) There have been dozens of paintings about it, but the story is never even mentioned in the Bible...

Anyway - the problem with Apocryphals is that they were removed dileberately, and in many cases, the Clergy members that removed them wanted to make sure the stories were never told again, so some of them may have been flat-out destroyed. The good news is that the Catholics almost NEVER throw anything out, so if it was removed officially by the Pope or something, records of it still exist. Your best bet would be to go to the largest public library near you and ask a reference librarian about this. Tell them that you're doing a project for school or something... I dunno. It's really none of their business what you find and read in a public library - all of the material there is supposed to be useable by anyone with a library card.

If your mother has a problem with you looking this stuff up about the lost texts and all that, you can tell her that there's nothing worse in these stories than what's in the actual bible - these stories were just removed because the themes weren't well-liked at the time they were removed. A lot of them had to do with women being equal to men and all that, which was an absolute travesty if you asked the Church; or things about the actual life of Jesus (such as the missing 12 years from when he's a young boy to when he's a grown man teaching the gospel...).

Anyway - I hope this helps. Good luck in your search! If you find anything cool, be sure to post it on the group, here!



There were literally hundreds of books intended for the Bible, but the editor's of the Bible rejected many of the texts, mostly the ones pertaining to the Devil.

And you are right Loup, Catholics do not throw everything out, they release everything that they deem worthy, the rest gets stored in the Vatican vault.

I believe this link should help...

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