Mystery stalking

Started by cthon98, September 01, 2006, 05:46:27 AM

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I had a post in another section of these forums, since someone I had talked to believed this to be a Shadow. However, the folks here and the information here helped me pretty much confirm that it ISN'T a shadow. I shall post my story, perhaps you good folk can help me identify what I am dealing with, so that I may take steps to either help or defeat this.

I posted this in another forum, given that the participants there have had some dealings with the abnormal before, and might be of some help. One suggested that I might be dealing with something called a "shadow" and he directed me here for more information.
I shall now post my story, and perhaps you folks could give me a bit of insight.

For the past year or so, I have had occasional encounters in the second half of the night. I'm not sure if they are entirely products of my own mind, but nearing the end of my sleep, I'll have the feeling of being in my bed, asleep, and something will be on top of me trying to drain life out of me. I attempt to fight, but it's vaporous and intangible, and I try various things to drive it off. Usually I fight it with my will, sometimes attempting to reverse things and drain the life out of it. IN any case, over the course of time, I seemed to win most of these encounters, and it gradually grew weaker.
Then, 3 months of NO encounters at all, followed by ONE encounter. At that point, I could tell it was considerably weaker than when it first begun, and I was able to easily dispatch it. It then did not return for quite some time after that.
HOWEVER, very recently, it has returned, stronger than ever before. I was not able to dispatch it this time, and had to force myself awake several times, then changing sleeping positions (Which is a good way to avoid a repeat of a dream) however that had no effect on things. I was fairly tired, and fell back to sleep easily. At one point I attempted to draw the being's body into my hand, basically preforming a psi-ball but using IT as the source of power. This disoriented it for a bit. I ultimately escaped and woke myself up enough by moving my thumb to my mouth while still in the dream state, and biting my thumb, allowing the pain to awaken me. Despite being asleep and dreaming, I had an awareness of what position my limbs actually were in, and was thus able to manipulate them.

I'm a bit worried at this recent development in things, however. Perhaps some of you have experienced similar, or have some knowledge on this. Also, in this most recent encounter, there were brief shots of some sort of... scream. Like the type you would associate with some sort of stereotypical ghost or... banshee or something. Just real short bursts, periodically.

I should mention, EVERY time, when they came, I always was asleep in my bed, or DREAMING that I was asleep in my bed, with my eyes closed, when first I felt a solid body, very comforting, but then gradually it would become vaporous and drain from me.

To clarify a bit, this "presence" comes, in a form that feels female, clothed, and lays on top of my covers for a bit. Just the presence and feeling is kind of comforting and reassuring, but eventually, I reach up to feel the head, and shortly after I touch the head, which feels human, it becomes gaseous and begins "pulling" life from me. Ever see the harry potter movie where the dementors pull life or whatever? It feels like that looks, but just from my face. Attempts to fight physically (Im a hell of a lucid dreamer, so when I face nightmare monsters, I punch em in the mouth or something and send em packing) turn the rest of this being gaseous, and then I turn to "mind tricks" to dispatch it.

(the last few paragraphs are separated but related, and come from the result of me discussing this with people in private chat, and providing more information that may also be useful to you folks.)

I've also been saving a "trump card" which I strongly believe would destroy or dispatch this being for good, if it IS infact a supernatural being, and not some form of recurring dream. However, in the event that it is something that means me no harm, and just needs something from me to survive, I have been saving this until I have more knowledge.

If the many sharp minds here can be of some assistance, I would be very greatful.

I really need to identify what I'm dealing with, so I know what step to take next.

Hello cthon,

I have a couple of questions.

Do you practice any religion?  If so, what kind?

During the period of time that these 'encounters/attacks' waned, were you doing anything different spiritually?


perhaps some sort of succubus, how do you feel when it's laying on you?
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."

Quote from: Morticia on September 03, 2006, 02:06:09 PM
Hello cthon,

I have a couple of questions.

Do you practice any religion?  If so, what kind?

During the period of time that these 'encounters/attacks' waned, were you doing anything different spiritually?

And no, I haven't done anything differently. I say my prayers nightly, sometimes I read my bible.

The being has made a return visit, and like the last visit, many things were different.
This time fairly weak again, and minus the eerie screams. I attempted to question it, both by thinking questions at it, and by speaking (Yes, this time I managed to be able to speak)
Questions such as "Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want?"
No answer, so I began to prepare a technique to dispatch it, and suddenly woke up. I very quickly fell back to sleep, but this time, it came up from UNDER my bed, through my mattress, and poked it's solider-than-usual head up next to my right side. It began to do it's life-drain suck thing in proximity to my kidney, and I grabbed part of it's head and threw it at the wall. This time my eyes were partially open, and though I couldn't see it, but only felt it's presence, when I threw it, it splattered on the wall and seemed like a translucent ooze, visually. I attempted to pull it's entire being out into a position where I could use my trump card, but then woke up again. Falling asleep once more, nothing.
Maybe someone here has better eyes than me, but to the right of the lava lamp was where I chucked it. I can see a handprint, and I dont usually ever go at that wall, but the print could have already been there, and I just not noticed it until I was looking for something.

Since you're Christian, you already know that Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross to save us all from our sins.  He was the ultimate sacrifice needed to save the world.

Don't ever attempt to interact with this thing again.  Don't ask questions or request it's name.  If it's a demon it will only lie to you anyway.

For some reason it is attempting to frighten you; maybe you are on a path to being a spiritual warrior, or simply are devout enough to piss it off.

Try playing some kind of praise and worship softly, keep praying and reading the Bible, and when this happens again if you're awake and conscious enough to talk, say "I am a child of God and covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.  In the name of Jesus, go away."  If you aren't able to speak the words because of paralysis, 'think' them over and over.

See what happens, and be sure to let us know.

I have an ill mother and am going back and forth between my house and hers.  I probably won't be back until tomorrow.

There are others here who can guide you on this.

May G-d watch over you.



it hasn't managed to be particularly scary thus far. I just thought at first that "Ok, this isn't a normal sleep thing, maybe I'll investigate" which lead me to a few forums, and eventually here.
It'll be at least another week or so before it shows up again, possibly longer

September 04, 2006, 04:53:57 PM #6 Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 04:55:34 PM by InKY
I am also a Christian.  My parents are very much into the supernatural aspects of that faith, and my mother had an experience remarkably similar to yours, though she managed to take care of the problem after one occurrence by telling the visitor with God's authority to get lost.

You mentioned a psi ball and some techniques other than just "righteous indignation", and it sounds to me like you're trying to have the best of both worlds.  I understand your curiosity about the supernatural, but, as Christians, we are meant to agknowledge only Christ's supremacy.  This problem may be recurring b/c you're messing with stuff you aren't supposed to be messing with.

September 05, 2006, 12:08:56 PM #7 Last Edit: September 05, 2006, 02:34:10 PM by cthon98
Alot of my techniques are derived from years of anime, and primarily utilized in lucid dreams. AS for the PSI Balls, when the instructions are basically "Hold your hands out and concentrate" I really can't see anything wrong with that. It's not like Im trying to cast spells or do rituals or whatever.

Also, I've been playing with "Psi" for... two months, roughly. I've been dealing with these encounters for over a year. Though the techniques I've developed while practicing Psi abilities HAVE proven much more effective against it than my normal methods...

September 05, 2006, 02:09:27 PM #8 Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 07:53:39 AM by Moloch

Well, my "Normal" methods be dealing with it the same way I deal with monsters and the like in lucid dreams. In my dreams, I have super strength so I pummel my foes. If that doesn't work, I can shoot lasers. Im 22, but I used to watch alot of crazy anime in my younger days (*Cough, DBZ, Cough*) and its easier to give yourself dream powers based on someone you've seen in fact or fiction.
However, these DIDN'T work so well on this thing. The punches pass through it, and the beams... well, they just dont happen.
So I usually wind up putting... its hard to describe, a sort of "Force of will" into a "Soft hands" approach, usually. I put my open hands into it's midst, and then softly pull it apart until it leaves. Practicing at psi has given me new, much more effective weapons. Even though I can only get warm psi balls when IM awake and around, when it visits me, I can pry it away, smash it, and such, with psi type weapons. I even applied basic psiball principals to make a rasengan at one point. A spiralling ball of energy in it's midst mixed it up like it was inside a blender.

I just meditate on a memorized verse until I fall back asleep.

I do some stuff to relax: controlling the breathing, concentrating on this or that point of the body, and I visualize pain as being, say, a ball outside of myself to help with headaches &, you know, woman stuff.  Not as much fun as lasers though.  =-)

a couple days ago, it returned once more, and this time, I believe I've finished it for good.
