Weird happening

Started by Shin Natsume, June 12, 2006, 03:06:32 PM

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You're missing the point, Westerhaus. People can post whatever they want to. But anybody who wishes to understand the incident better, and perhaps provide a rational explanation, or sensible and helpful advice where the explanation is not forthcoming, needs to approach the subject seriously. If you want to be taken seriously as an investigator, you don't go blundering in making wild guesses.

~Ok got ya...

~the fallen~

Feel free to put up the link

that's really sort of neat...
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."

I think I read once that they found out thats a fake.

I knew that had to be something somewhat familiar!


and still no suggestions as to what it could be?
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."

No new ideas so far.  I agree with the dog theory.

Actaully that could easily be added in with any art program. It's not that hard, I don't think you need a prop or anything.

It looks sort of like it was jumping up while someone was snaping a picture. Usually dogs jump if you have somthing in front of them or maybe this is the first two feet walking dog! collect the whole series! :-o
All light sources cannot last forever the way darkness can.