Do you believe in faeries?

Started by mindylive, March 31, 2008, 09:24:54 AM

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Look closely, I see two eyes, a nose and a mouth.

Nice photo! Whenever I see these kind of things in photos my mind thinks of fairys! Ofcourse I know that it could just be the way the tree (or whatever it is in the photo) is...but then ofcourse it could be a fairy!

I defionatly believe in fairys! :-)

Wow! that's cool. and he's sort of funnyish. I believe in fairies!

I believe in faeries!!  :-D :-D
"If it looks like a human, walks like a human, talks like a human... well, one out of three ain't bad."

That is a really good pic. It does look like it could be one of the Fey. As far as my own beliefs, seeing is believing!

I think it's just cool, even if it isn't one perchance. :-D

It's an awesome photo, even though I don't believe in faries.

I believe more in the fact that there are living beings out there that can't be explained by modern science or described by mere names than in actual faeries & elves.

Yes, then again if they ever exist or not I guess we'll never find out. *sign*

Maybe, who knows a couple centuries down the road? :?

If you're asking my opinion, I don't think so.  :|

Why do you believe in some things, but are closed minded about others? Not trying to be insulting, just genuinely want to know. :-D

Well I can't believe in everything, right? There are just some things that I don't think exist, but if someone claims to have spotted something different they have my full support.  8-)

Lolz, "I do believe in faeries. I do. I do!" Peter Pan. :-D

Peter Pan is gay, there is not a single movie where he doesn't look like a girl. *says as if that's the end of the topic  *<:)*