Monstrous Café > Say It!

Hi, I'm new so I thought I would introduce nyself :)

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Hi my name is Rachel I am 22 years old, for now anyways,Lol. and I am married to the most amazing man in the world! We've been together alomost for 4 years now and it's great! I have been obsessed with the paranormal since I can remember. My mother's side of the family is very opened minded. They are true believrs in the paranormal. Mediums run in the women on my mother's side of the family. There are also family stories about alien abduction.  I was just raised with the paranormal...that is probably why I am obsessed, lol.  :-P  My favorite things to talik about paranormal wise is, Spirits, The Mothman,  and Shadow People. I have seen the hat man quite a few times. The paranormal stalks my mother's side of the family. So many strange things have happened to me and my family and it's AWESOME! Lol!  :-P I've had so many unexplained experiences in my life, sometimes it makes me feel crazy. BUT I have had witnesses a few times so maybe I am not that crazy lol. I'm into Anthropology. I find it very interesting and I want to go to college for it so bad. I want to get a doctrine in it. I am a very honest person, I HATE to lie. I don't like liars. I have many different beliefs. I don't just stick to one religion or spirituality. Okay, now I am rambling LOL. Anyways, I am excited that I joined this site!!! I am looking foward to chatting with you all!  :-D :-D :-D

Have a great day/night everyone!  :-D

Hi Rachel, and welcome to Monstrous :)

It is quite obvious you are a valuable new asset to this place ;) and im sure others will agree on that.

Blessed be :)

Thanks  :-D

Hi, welcome. Congratulations (belated - but I didn't know you 4 years ago!) on your happy union. I hope you have many, many more happy years.

I'm the resident bogeyman. Not in the sense that I will threaten you or bully you or claim that I am going to put my dark mojo on you, as so many here in the past have done, but in the sense that I will probably suggest an alternative explanation for every "supernatural" experience you ever had. It isn't that I do not want to believe in the "supernatural" - rather that I do believe in the "unexplained", and am driven to apply "the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas" - what remains unexplained after that might be evidence of the supernatural ...

I'm non-religious, and am painfully sworn off smoking, alcohol, casual sex, and processed food. That makes me grouchy. I'm not nearly as thoroughly unpleasant in RL as I appear.

King Hamburger:
hello forum members im king hamburger


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