The Darker Side > The Blood Track

The True Vampire

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Are u guys master trolls, or genuine vampires?

i am a real vampire

thats awesome!

Demon trackers:
In some cultures there are rituals that require you to drink someone elses blood, this ritual is performed in Africa.

I am a hunters and I can tell the difference between a human and a vampire. A lot of vampires are not necessarily evil there just missed understood and a lot of the things you said are a little incorrect. Vampires thirst is different from yours. They need blood in order to survive cause of a certain enzymes and protein in blood, and they don't just drink human blood, they can also drink animal blood. Sacred vampires that of a Karik clan don't need blood at all cause of there biological chemisty.

Fear is a special emotion, for a vamp they don't have any and neither do I cause that type of emotion can get you killed in the battle against your enemies of the supernatual level spectrum. Vamp emotions are on a different chemistry level than that of a humans. Humans don't have control of there emotion unless they practice controling or training there emotions. Vampires have a different metabolism then that of a human.

There are many ways you can be turned into a vampire.
1. you can make a deal with one that makes you connected to there soul and that is a sacred bond by using a spell bonding seal.
2. drink vampires blood. No you can not turn into a vamp by getting bit cause if that is a case i would already be a vamp.
3. make a deal with lycan.
4. sleep outside during a full moon with a cut wrist.
These are the only ones i can think of for right now.

Your little statement about what makes things more impressive is not necessarily false cause that fact is you need to see it in order to believe. I hated the concept of a god until I seen it with my own eyes. I been hunting these things at the age of 7. I know for a fact Lucifer is trying to kill me but i stnad my ground all the time, but the fact is you need proof then what you read.


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