Witches Brew > Pagan Living

Wicca and Christian?

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Hi, just wanted your opinion uppon a christian person that performs Wicca? is it right? is it possible? Can both be compatible. Im a very open minded christian and i feel like the church is limitating me with its own rules, my faith its with my god not with its church...

it is possible, I have seen it, but they mixed both believes.
Wicca is the believes in the former gods of nature, like the moongodess and the father of furtility... (I can be off a lot with this, so others, please correct ^^)

Interesting, but do those gods have their own entities and personality or are they just simbolism for a certain part of the nature?

Hmm, well, i cant say i am exactly a christian, becouse the church doesnt affects my decisions, my only church is the bible, what you can call the vatican is just a big ball of corruption,  anyways  :focus:
 I think i need to meditate a little about this, my intentions in witchcraft are pure, but i need to clear my mind and construct my arguments so that i dont offend my god in any way.

there is.
 magic is indistinguishable from super advanced science.

THus the argument is that you should know what you are doing so that it becomes a science and not a superstitious system of causing phenomena to occur.

and your spells are merely experiments, despite what you use em for as the change in variables allow you to further refine your understanding of the system.

or you could go like....... FOR GREAT JUSTICE!


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