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Bigfoot... FOUND!

Started by Kadesh, August 19, 2008, 03:37:52 PM

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 I'm pretty slow on my news and just found out about this! I'm a firm believer of bigfoot and I'm very impressed by the integrity of the two men who found the body. They don't want to reveal the location because of the other 'creatures' that live there. Bravo you two!!
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


 PS... I started a thread in this same section titled.. "bigfoot.. fact of fiction.. you decide" ... It has an amazing story of bigfoot, that I personally believe. Go check that out too!
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Yeah I love/hate that story
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


 I've read it a few times and I cry every time.

What did you think of the news story? It looks real.... It really does...
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Yeah it does look real. I believe it.
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


[actully the corpse was a hoaxe. and when i saw the picture i could tell that it was fake the head was supose to be cone shaped but it was round and even if someone does discover bigfoots species i will be angry for a few day because thats a life goal of mine to discover bigfoot and i dont want to settle finding sub species like the yeti or skunk ape.  :gun: <^>


 Was it really? Where'd they show the proof it was a hoax?
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


The DNA tested from the animal proved to be 95% oppossum. do a search on this story now & you will find the press release of the DNA results.


Quote from: Countess on August 31, 2008, 04:44:02 PM
The DNA tested from the animal proved to be 95% oppossum.

Haha! That's awesome!

You have to wonder what the other 5% was, though. I mean, it's either possum fur or it's not. Either they attacked a possum with some electric clippers or they didn't. There really isn't any middle ground there.

*<:) *<:) *<:)



Quote from: Countess on August 31, 2008, 05:05:09 PM
The other 5% was human.

I know that, goofball. I was just joking. JEEZ.



 How does that really prove that the creature in the picture isn't real? They could have easily submitted any samples for the DNA testing. The press tape above said they weren't releasing the animal or the location.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


You all are wrong I was just having a bad hair day ok?  :-P  No seriously though it does seem to be legit to me. I never trust the so called "results" of tests like that cause too many of the scientific community is corrupted. Also I think people are starting to realize the importance of not bringing things like this to open light of the public too much because so much damage can be caused....
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


Something about the photos just doesn't sit well with me. If it were found dead, why is there no evidence of animal or insect activity? The fact that they aren't releasing the body is another issue. If it is in fact bigfoot it would be pretty much the greatest scientific discovery of at least modern times. the men who found it would be set for life, why wouldn't they release it? i am not saying bigfoot isn't real. after all, saying there is no way that a large humanoid primate could exist in a sparsley populated area that is heavily forested is ridiculous. for centuries natives of africa told europeans of large, hairy human looking creatures living in the forests & these stories were dismissed as the fantasies of a lesser people. turns out they were speaking of the animal now known as the gorilla. Just recently scientists uncovered a population of 125,000 lowland gorillas in the congo that no one knew about. Many of the areas bigfoot has been sighted in are even less populated & just as dense as the Congo so it stands to reason that it is possible that there is an unknown primate.


Well of course there is  :roll: hehe  :wink:
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection

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