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Ohio, Ohio River Basin and West Virginia??


I have been reading here and there about the area known as the killing lands or the killing fields of the Ohio River Basin and West Virginia. I found this in conjuction with walled hill forts of the Hopewell Sphere and Native tales of a great massacre in region. This is reasoned to why the region was unoccupied by Native peoples before and after the european colonization of North America.

Could someone please point me in a direction of other information.

Or has this been covered in the past and I have not seen it?

Devious Viper:
The region you refer to has a very long and well documented history of ghost lights/will o' the wisps - swamp gas and bioluminescent fungi to you and I - and it was for this reason that the Native Americans considered it a particularly "haunted" area.

The later tales attached to the region came about as a result of an act of treachery by American colonists: the Native Americans resisted the advance of white settlers into the region and a large number were killed in a battle with the colonists near what is now Point Pleasant sometime in 1774. A stand-off followed, which ended when the British began recruiting the tribes to fight for them against the colonists. The head of the Shawnee tribe in the area, Chief Cornstalk, and a Delaware chief named Red Hawk, attempted to broker a deal with the colonists and travelled to their fort located on the junction of the Kanawha and Ohio Rivers. They, and Cornstalk's son Ellinipisco, were taken prisoner, and although at first treated well, an incident shortly after involving the death of a colonist at the hands of Native Americans led to their being executed. Chief Cornstalk apparently issued a curse as he lay dying, saying: "I was the border man’s friend. Many times I have saved him and his people from harm. I never warred with you, but only to protect our wigwams and lands. I refused to join your paleface enemies with the red coats. I came to the fort as your friend and you murdered me. You have murdered by my side, my young son.... For this, may the curse of the Great Spirit rest upon this land. May it be blighted by nature. May it even be blighted in its hopes. May the strength of its peoples be paralysed by the stain of our blood."

Every disaster to occur in the region ever since has been attributed - by some - to Cornstalk's Curse...

Talking of ghost lights, if I recall correctly Moloch is a native of North Carolina? Home to the most famous ghost lights of all, the Brown Mountain Lights


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