Witches Brew > Pagan Living

The Rights of Mother Earth - New Law in Bolivia


As the first country in the world, Bolivia is about to pass a law that will grant equal rights to Mother Earth.

Read about it in the Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/apr/10/bolivia-enshrines-natural-worlds-rights

Here's a link to the original (Spanish) text: http://www.scribd.com/doc/44900268/Ley-de-Derechos-de-la-Madre-Tierra-Estado-Plurinacional-de-Bolivia

For those of you that - like me - don't read Spanish, there's a translation to English on the blog No Unsacred Place: http://nature.pagannewswirecollective.com/2011/04/14/law-of-mother-earth/


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