Witches Brew > Dreaming

I had a strange dream....

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This is kind of odd seeing as I don't normally have dreams, however, I wrote it down in crayon as soon as I woke up so that I would remember it at a later date...

My dream: I was taking traditional college courses on base, the nearest one to me is Patrick Air Force base, and that is pretty much where my dream took place. I rode a motorcycle, well a crotch rocket really, and there were police blocking half of the bridge that I was crossing. Like parked diagonally with their lights off throughout one lane. I remember thinking that I shouldn't be speeding and popping wheelies with the cops there, but they never chased after me.

The next thing I knew the bike was in the garage, I was taking off my gloves and walking into an Italian restaurant/ house, and there were people who had just finished their food. It was a small place and it was so filled with stuff...

That's really all I remember, the funny part is though that I'm taking online courses for business right now, and the place that was the restaurant/ house is the gas station where I currently work. Anyway I just thought I would post it, and let people know that apparently I really can dream, when I though I couldn't. By the way, my dreams are random..... :p

You thought you couldnt dream? That would suck. I think of some of my dreams like a vent, to release all the crazy stuff built up in my head. If I didnt dream I would probably go insane..... not that I would have far to go :-D

Lol, it wasn't so much that I thought I couldn't, it was more of the I couldn't remember. I don't remember most of my dreams, the fact that this one kept pulling me in and out of it was odd, and that's what stuck. I woke up several times because of this dream, but I would get pulled right back into it.

And I think you have farther to go than me Ravin :)

I dont know darlin, If you were in here looking out you may not think so :-D

See, that's why I allowed a part of me to hold on to sanity, while the other part dived into the void of it. Better to have a view/opinion from both sides.


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