Monstrous Café > Idle

4 year return

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The cursed one:
Wow.. I set up my account here 4 years ago when I was just coming full force into what I was and dealing with so much at the time, that truly was a long time ago. I don't remember why I left, but I hope it was on good terms, and any bad water has reflowed into forgiveness. Doing some research I stumbled back upon this site and this time I hope to stay a bit, who knows where the wind shall tell me to go next.  :| So, since it's been such a long time, time for a new introduction.

    Hello, pleasure to have you read this. I am a skinwalker. I am a shifter, to put it plainly. I work with some groups to protect others of our kind and mundane, I'm a guardian. I was taught ways by my elders but still young with much to learn. I'm always learning. :) I come from a spiritual family so I have a lot of knowledge within the paranormal and all that good stuff. I'm a nursing student in college, working towards my RN before joining the Marines.  :police: I'm an electic elemental Wiccan, and also of mixed race. I'm mainly Italian and Hopi-Apache Indian, I take great pride within my cultures for they are the reason I have my wolf shifting ability. I'm a black timber wolf, my mother a white one. I work with all the elements, my prime being fire. I may talk a lot, but I hate to lie and I had disloyalty and those who hold no morals and values. I am a lover of martial arts, swords, weapons, swimming, the trill of hunting and adventures. I may mention a lot here but it's not even scratching the surface. I'm a loner, few people actually want to be around me and I just learn to keep others at a distance. I'm just cursed to my path and to walk it alone.. Shame....  but I have faith.

I'm interested in your knowledge of the paranormal.  I have been messing around with the paranormal for quite some time, but I've been unsuccessful so far.  What would you recommend?

The cursed one:
Well, first you shouldn't mess with anything you don't understand. And understand in the terms that you can go into great detail about what you're doing and yet explain it simply to your grandmother. What about the paranormal are you interested in?

"Well, first you shouldn't mess with anything you don't understand" 

Then how would we ever learn anything?  Frankly, I'll accept the consequences.  I have been messing with the paranormal extensively, nothing ever happens. 

I'm interested in contacting ghosts, demons, spirits, pretty much anything supernatural.  At the moment, I'm convinced it's not real.  But with the right evidence or possibly even personal experience, I can be convinced otherwise. 

The cursed one:
So.. You wish to open dangerous doors to prove a point?


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