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Crop circles and magnetic fields


To say Knobel, AR is a quiet town is an understatement so when crop circles showed up, word spread fast.

The circles appeared June 7th near a small cemetery and got big attention.

A group form Boston that studies crop circles around the world even made a trek to the tract of land, twice.

BLT Researchers said soil samples show magnetic levels 9 times higher than before the circles.

The question now is what or whom made them.

Tammy Wilson says it could be aliens, "What about aliens? I don't know. You could be an alien for all I know. I guess if we can go up there they could come down here. If God made us why couldn't he make something up there?"

One theory from the folks studying the circles is they may be caused by the same forces that create lighting or the Northern Lights.

A sort of cosmic, plasma downburst that flattens fields.

Whatever it is, people around the world are talking about Knobel, AR and Tammy Wilson says that's not all bad. "It's better attention than we normally get. It's usually drug busts around here. This is better than that."

The circles are gone, the fields disked, crops are popping up.

All is quiet in Knobel and the people who live here hope the plasma, little green men, punksters or whatever's causing the circles doesn't come back.

john polluck:
Don't know what you are talking about.There are over 3000 crop circles on file and some are impossible to duplicate.
 Check out Busty Taylor's crop Circle page.
  The circles are made by Devas,also known as Nature Spirits,Orbs.These were seen.(Seen them myself)
 My interpretations of the circles (and squares) are on and the

 I figured out that the circles were originally in stone due to the fact that in ancient times there were NO crop was a hunter and gatherer. Stonehenge was not manmade.


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