The Darker Side > Demons, Demonology and The Devil

Communication(personal experiences)


in answering a question presented about my experiences with contacting, otherworldly energies, it's something i seem to have been always to do, a family thing, i guess you could say, my grandmother could tell stories that would curl toes.

if i sit quietly enough and listen, let my mind open...i start sensing things, and then beginning to study the art, it becomes more clear and less scary, maybe it's because i grew up around it...but even those energies that can be quite intimidating, are only that, they've never been able to do something that would harm me and that's why it's hard for me to sympathise with those who are terrorised by their experiences, and usually they bring it on themselves, especially if this is a natural ability we all possess, back to the original question i'm slowly finding the answer for, why are some pleased with their association, and others are terrorized?

i suppose expressing i had no protection isn't necessarily true, there were guardians that seemed to do it for me, after awhile it becomes comfortable in dealing with them...the problem is they can sometimes become hard to send away using will alone, that's when i suppose the demonologist associations comes from, the first book i ever read discussing it described it as fighting fire with fire, but i've never had a need for any ritualized work to work with sentient energies, they're always there.

i've read books on channelling and dealing with the spirit world to help me understand different venues for, dealing with them...quija boards are the easiest, an actual seance is difficult, especially with possessive guardians, and i've never been able to surrender enough to let an external spiritual energy inside. 

I suppose most of my occult interest is spurred by trying to understand the spirits that surround everyone, but only those who try or are gifted have the ability to know, and what my relation is to them.

just reading and working with those consciousnesses that i came to know helped in my understandings of their natures, and those linked to us, seem to change as our need for them changes, so i suppose that's why i don't apply the standard concept of evil to those creatures described as demonic, maybe they weren't always demonic, how is it impossible for them to not eventually develop some sort of understanding and even a fondness for our tenacious natures that supply them with so much?

Phantom X:
Wow, I dont think I have heard of this particular gift before. I guess that your family has an easier way to 'opening the gate' to the spiritual world via your mind. Very interesting. As for these guardians, are their energies often found near you or are they always diffrent? Have you contacted them before and asked them who/what they are? It has been said that if particular ghosts/spirits/demons come into contact with you and have a fondness of you, then they will easily come to you whenever need via the subconscience.


--- Quote from: Phantom X on July 02, 2006, 10:05:08 PM ---Wow, I dont think I have heard of this particular gift before. I guess that your family has an easier way to 'opening the gate' to the spiritual world via your mind. Very interesting. As for these guardians, are their energies often found near you or are they always diffrent? Have you contacted them before and asked them who/what they are? It has been said that if particular ghosts/spirits/demons come into contact with you and have a fondness of you, then they will easily come to you whenever need via the subconscience.

--- End quote ---

it's really not that uncommon, sylvia brown for all the questionability about her uses, has it down to an art...and children aren't yet hampered by non belief.

all they ever tell me are they're spirits, none have ever claimed any greatness, but they've done frightening things at my request...and they're always distinct from each other.  two present themsleves as male and one as female.  *shrugs*

some people sense them, others do not...but generally they're always around me, just not so dominate if i don't actually work with them(feed them energy),it's sort of like simmering a pan on the back's still softly bubbling, but you can go on about other housework.  ;)


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