Witches Brew > Dreaming

Fun prediction dreams

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 About me?? Ohh... Do tell! :-D

 I'm not totally sure that it's me... I'm kinda leaning towards he just bought lame stuff.  *<:)

Actually, I was typing a post, & it popped up. So several days later, I was responding to your post (yesterday, actually) & halfway through my response, I realized that this was what I had seen in the "snapshot"

That was the most recent one, why are they always of trivial, everyday, stuff? Show me the end of the world, darn it!!! :lol:

 I think I've seen as close as it gets... It's not something you should wish for, Pet. It's really not...

I've had dead accurate predictions in dreams. Most times I know why, but there have been other times it remains a mystery. And other times I'll have a dream, and a year later it happens.

I had a dream were me car went off a bridge and the next day the sky way bridge fell. The only thing was that me friend was driving it and not me


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