Monstropedia > Mythical Monsters

Grumpy state politician lambasts superstitious locals



Potianaks are vengeful female spectres from Malay mythology which are widely held to be the restless souls of women who have died in childbirth. Many rural Malayisans are uttlery convinced in the existence of these  bloodthirsty creatures with a penchant for castrating unwary males. However, in one particular state, a local politician has insisted that the local yokels  have been held from progress on account of such frivolous notions and has thus exhorted  them to spend their time on  endeavours more productive than the search for evil spirits.  Indeed, what could be more terrifying as a blood sucking monster and hence worthy of your attention than your local politician?

The really ironic part would be if the politician really was a blood sucking monster who castrates the egos and rights of those who voted him in............... Wait, What????

Srsly though, Though invariably politicians do go into politics to enrich themselves. They also are people, and thus some of them actually actively try to help their fellow man......... assuming it was within their best interests of course.

I bet that this guy is trying to gain the support of more conservative Muslim voters who generally disapprove of the pre-Islamic beliefs that are still pervasive among rural Malays.  Modern Malaysia is still trying to accomodate the uncomfortable legacy of its pre-Islamic legacy which is often  characterised by some very unsavoury practices like the summoning of spirits.

Conservative is a word i don't really know the meaning of. :-D

Have you been summoning any evil spirits that we don't know about? That's always a good way of burnishing your non-conformist cred.


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