
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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Dreaming ~= Remote Viewing?

Started by Carson Dane, August 14, 2010, 07:18:30 PM

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Carson Dane

I recently read a book, Cosmic Voyage; it's about Scientific Reomote Viewing (SRV).  Considering things I've experienced, and/or ideas and things I've written about, it made me wonder if things we experience such as dreams, astral projections, some out-of-body experiences, even talking to the dead, and/or other psychic phenomina might be classified as forms of remote viewing - not SVR but pehaps some kind of random remote viewing (RRV)? 

"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."

Carson Dane

Yes.  I've done it several times myself, as I said -  randomly.  I do believe such things have scientific explainations - yet to be discovered...
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


All of these things can be categorised as movements of perception outside our normal perceptual habits.

When seen like this perception is all we are, percpetion is all we are capable of. We are percievers. We percieve with awareness.

The labels you are on about are just descriptions of these perceptions into groups of similarly organised conditions or results.

The things you talk about are just known procedures for adjusting perception.

The base mechanism is perception and awareness though. This is constant through all experiences.

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