
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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anyone know anything about the "toyul"????

Started by pureblood, August 28, 2010, 03:55:30 AM

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if any one knows anything about this creature i would me very intrested to hear from you, i dont know if i spelt it right or if this is even the right room to bring it up in. all i know is that its asian creature, supposdly to do owners bidding.and steal riches and the like. owner has to feed it from a incisin made in big toe, which it feeds on overnight, otherwise it will get angry and kill turn on owner.apperance similar to a small baby, blak like it has been burnt, with sharp teeth
Death waits, and smiles at us all. What more can a man do, but smile back???


not that i have had any personal experiance as such with one, but seen some disturbing pictures along with a write up on them few years back. aparently they are bought in glass jars on the black market , very disturbing stuff. any feed back welcome!!
Death waits, and smiles at us all. What more can a man do, but smile back???

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