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Wands and Staves

Started by I Love Wolves, August 21, 2010, 10:27:12 PM

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I Love Wolves

I didnt know whether to post this here or in Pagan Living but here goes,

Is it possible to use wands and staves to do magic? or do most everyone use their hands? Just curious.

Carson Dane

On a few occasions, I've  made my own wands.  I put staves on both ends, and twirl slowly like a baton.  From these occasional "experiments" I've found it's not magic, but insread, to  affect a human resource after the chant when the spell is cast. 
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


The idea of having the wand can provoke an effect similar to a placebo effect. If you think it will help in a spell then it will. Your mind gives it more value and power.

Trust me don't try acquiring or creating the D&D style wands. It is difficult and likely to be improbable. Not to mention what could go wrong, or worse, what doesn't go right.

If you grab a wand shaped object and hold it for a while your energy will go into it a little. It becomes an extension of you because some of you is going into it. With any magick you have to understand how much of yourself you are manipulating in ratio to other forces. Your wand or staff is an extension of yourself, an extension of your manipulation. This can give some people the impression they have a "longer reach" with their spells. If they think they do, then they do. The mind gives it the power, it has no power in itself.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


often times the wand is a prop but it can actually have alot of power if made properly cahnneling certain energys holding certain enchantments and a host of other things i siggest you experiment with it
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


Bud of mine does magick, says the wand/staff is used mainly to get other people to believe in your power. Like (sorry I forgot your name  :embarassed:) said 'its a prop'
New Signature

I Love Wolves

thanks a lot for the posts  :-). sorry but what i guess i meant was if it was possible to channel ur energy through the wand/staff or if it is just better to use ur hands and mind.


Its all really prefrence and what you feel comfortable using. I myself feel comfortable using only my mind and hands to channel my energy. I have never really felt the need for using an actual wand or staff

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