
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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Portable Alter

Started by Anaya, October 06, 2010, 12:04:26 PM

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My close friends and I are trying to create an alter that we can either carry in a car or hide easily in a house of people who are... questionable of acceptance of any practice that could be considered 'magical'. So, my questions include:

What are all the absolutely necessary things for a functioning alter aiding in spells and prayers?
Anyone know any place that one could purchase said items for a low price?
Any advice on items that are 'whatever you want to represent them' that seem to work best for you?

To be honest, I'm not sure exactly what I am doing and when I got into the dark of a situation, I like asking advice from multiple people. Side note: I tried researching and it's been multiple explanations so it's kind of gray of what I learned. If you want to post suggestions and/or share insight on the who/what/when/where/why of the alter, I'd be grateful.

Thanks to anyone who helps!


The most functioning aspect of an alter is that it is meaningful for you.
It should reflect the aspects of the style of magic that you practice.

What sort of things will you practice? What influences do you draw on? What is your spirituality composed of?

You dont have to answer these questions here.


Protection Spells or spells to enchant items (like recently, a charm that helped to silence the voices of an awaking psychic), scrying... maybe banishing if a dark spirit attacks one of us...

Most of us are Wicca, while myself... I don't even know where my beliefs fall. I draw from spirits and what they have told me and personal experiences. (not sure if that answers the last two questions or not.)

The others use herbs mostly. We all draw energy from the world around us. I think I am the only one who focuses on spirits and blood (my own), whatever style that can be considered.


Well just for an idea why dont you start a piece of collective artwork. Something with four or five canvases. Each canvas can be a side of your alter.
On each canvas can be items that best relate to your magic, things that are personal, things that are spiritual to you, things you have heard from spirits etc.
When all these sides are put together you have your group alter.
Maybe if not all of you can work together the alter changes shape has only three sides etc. Get the idea?
Everytime you use it as an alter add something that represnts the work you did to your canvas.
You can glue things to it, stitch things into it, paint images on it, pour your energy into it.
The other thing is if you call it a piece of group art then you can take it with you where you want, put it where you want, work on it where you want.

Real alters are made of magic. The material part is just a way of focussing your magical attention.


I'll have to get a special bag then while I'm out today. What items are normally needed though for like, Wiccan alters? I see you mentioned chalice and incense burner. I think my friend said she needs physical representation of the god and goddess.. what else do you think should be in there?

That's an amazing idea! Canvases can be made cheaply if not bought for a low price... I'll hit up my Art Buddy/Sister Figure and see if she can find some low prices for me (and a material that will work well with multiple mediums...) Not to mention, most of the people who would take part are great artists!


Well, I'm sure the other items will change depending on the intent of breaking out the alter.

Chalice, Incense and burner, bowl & salt, candles, and my friend's representations... I think am image is starting to come together!

To both of you: thank you very much!

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