
When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there. - Anton Szandor LaVey

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Started by Anaya, September 05, 2010, 05:40:32 AM

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So, I only have visions when I'm first going to sleep or waking up normally. There has been rare times where it has been full length dreams. Anyway. This morning, my boyfriend gave me a kiss and said he was leaving for work. I said bye and the normal I love you exchange. And then he was back at the side of the bed, dressed in something else entirely with his winter coat on. I knew it wasn't him because I have his winter coat hidden for when he ships (it was the deal if he left, I got his coat until he came home). He stood there and began to speak. He made no sounds but I heard the words if that makes sense.

"You'll see them all tonight. Don't worry. You'll have it all done tonight."

I had made plans to visit my friends and have a long chat about some things... Then the look alike appeared again, right next to my face. I kept my eyes closed cause just having this figure close to me gave me chills of fright.

"There isn't anything you can do to stop it."

Then I woke up on my stomach and my legs burning. There is a bruise on the top of my foot and a pain in my lower back.

Anyone have any idea what could be going on or had dreams like this? The voice didn't sound like my HBO but instead had a voice behind it. I couldn't get the pitch but I think it would have to be a deeper voice. Not like baritone low but just... low...

Oh! And there was a smell. This is the only way I can describe it: Dog in the summer sun laying in a field of sunflowers dripping with blood. It was all those smells at once, the dog one the weakest, then blood, and sunflowers like it was trying to hide... I don't know what to think of it and I won't let myself get paranoid though I'm curious to what you all think.


What were the eyes like?

Dont guess the answer to this, get the living memory back and witness it. Then describe the eyes.


I didn't see the eyes too clearly. I remember them being dark like the light was a harsh penlight above his face. Blacked out. I only got to see them for a moment.


DEMONS! Haha... Just jk. Anyway, it's a dream. o.o
Fire in the hole!?


:/ I don't know whether to get upset at that or to brush it off... I think I'm going to go with upset. If this is a poke at me always assuming the worst, then please stuff it. The worst in my personal belief in this situation isn't even demons. When it comes to my own problems, I normally ignore them or set up my own defenses seeing as I can get a better feel for the situation and not have to make an assumption. Advice I give is helpful against a wide spread of things (including demons) and I make my claims to that level in order to keep a person on guard. It's better to have too much defense than not enough until you know what you are dealing with for sure.

That being said: if it was just a dream, I may need to get some help. That was the first dream in a long time that I have had that I have not been able to wake myself out of in a completely calm fashion.

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