
It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one's back, that are absolutely and entirely true. - Oscar Wilde

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Crazy Girl + Pups + River = Oh s**t...

Started by Anaya, September 07, 2010, 05:24:52 AM

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This is one of the darkest things I've seen. The videos say it all.

at the bottom of that page is a youtube video that starts playing on it's own, and it's just a video in response to the one above it. You don't have to watch that one first but it gives a pretty fair warning of what you are about to see.

EDIT: She was caught but there isn't anything on her sentence yet.


She was caught but I haven't been able to find out what they are going to do with her.


what the fark! Who would wanna throw a puppie!?!?!? I'll take them! I can't feed them but I'll find them really really really good homes so that they don't get thrown into a river! GAH! People are idiots these days....
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


Just playing Devil's Advocate here but, what if they could find no one to take the puppies, or even one of them? A lot of folks have been abandoning pets lately and when you do that, not only does the pet suffer hunger, malnutrition, and disease, but it can also go feral, and attack people.

When feral dogs or cats are caught, they are almost universally euthanized. To give you some perspective, in my area last summer, so many cats and kittens were abandoned that the shelters were actually over capacity in many cases, and rescue organizations were overloaded as well. Not a single one could accept the four four-week old kittens someone abandoned in our pump-house last June. In fact, the only reason these little guys made it is because I was persistent and kept looking until I heard about a little rescue organization from someone else. It was very small then and they almost didn't take us. The only reason they did was that I'd risked injuring an area where I'd had surgery to rescue the kittens when they got stuck in some tight spots as they fled from me.

Now, how many folks are that persistent? Given that possibility; what's worse, drowning, being thrown from a speeding car, or dieing a slow and agonizing death from parasitic infection and malnutrition.

It's called a sportsman's decision. None of the options are particularly nice, but one or two are kinder than the others. I know watching her do this was messed up beyond belief, but there may have been extenuating circumstances we don't know about yet.


@Moloch: even so, throwing them like that and taping it also makes it cruel and crazy... it's just wrong... poor puppies T_T
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


@Moloch: This may be true; my father had 12 kittens he couldn't find homes for, but even still, he took the time to give them a quick and painless death. The filming and posting of killing puppies is equal to the posting and killing of human babies. If that was her only option, she opted into a disturbing future.

Also, I can completely relate to the shelter thing... it still hurts to talk about but I couldn't take my Kittens with me and I tried everything I could to find them new homes so I didn't have to put them down. Eventually we found an opening at the pound and then they were at the local Petsmart for adoption. They took them away cause my baby (a calico) was too 'hissy' for them to adopt out but none the less....


As I said, I was merely playing Devil's Advocate.

That being out of the way, I would like to point out two things:

1) This girl was literally a girl, not much more than fourteen I'd wager,

2) Did anyone else notice the height difference between her and the camera person?

Think folks, the camera shows us both what is there, and what we WANT to see...



I thought something like that might be the case. Often times, it is an older relative who will put little ones up to some of this crap, and then let them take the heat for it. Hopefully, the court will understand this and give the brother the sentence he truly deserves.


Often times yes the older relative will put the younger ones up to it, however, sometimes the younger ones make the older ones contribute. My brother can't really get me to do half of the things he wants me to do (like dress girly... >_<) however, I can always get my brother to do something (except get me out of the state of Florida). It's not always the older relatives to blame, if it were always like that then anyone who had older siblings wouldn't think for themselves for the most part. I love my brother, he makes life great but if he told me to go throw puppies into a river (which he wouldn't he's going to adopt one eventually) I'd tell him to go jump off of Coronado bridge in all honesty (he probably wouldn't do that either....)

Now if it was truly the brothers fault then yes I do hope that he gets punished the way he deserves, however, it's unfair to put all the blame on him if it wasn't his fault.

I'm not sure if that made any sense what so ever....
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


If I remember right, I think the brother got his just deserts too.

--- ---
Katja Puschnik:Woman Throws Puppies In River Found By Police  – The teenage girls who was shown in a video throwing live puppies into a fast flowing river has been tracked down by Bosnian police, according to a number of reports that have been released by officials. The teenager was seen wearing a hooded top, caused a lot of commotion when the video made its way online. It appeared as if she was taking pleasure in killing newborn puppies by throwing them into the river one at a time and even made "weee" sounds as she did so.

It immediately caused a stir on the internet, with thousands of people attempting to track down her information. Police said that the girl was found in the Bosnian town of Bugojno, and was found via a number of leads that they received from animal protection groups inside of Bosnia.
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Most media outlets have decided not to publish the girls name in order to protect her safety, but a number of online search groups have already retrieved her info and spread it around the web. The story was big enough to prompt "Transformers" director Michael Bay to offer a $50,000 reward for prosecution of the young woman.

A number of animal rights groups are already calling for the prosecution of the woman. She was allegedly recognized on the video by individuals that knew her in her home town, who then sent her information to a number of animal rights organizations. That information was then forwarded to police departments who detained the girl for questioning about the incident.

--- ---
The 4chan miscreants quickly identified the owner of the YouTube account that had uploaded the video, his hometown, and, possibly, his Facebook account. And not just that: /b/tards picked out two Facebook profiles they thought were most likely the girl in the video, as well as profiles of friends and the camera man.

--- ---
Bosnian police say they've identified the teen filmed throwing puppies in a river. (She now faces a $6,400 fine for animal cruelty.) The girl lives in a town called Bugojno, which means 4chan was probably correct in its identification.


I'm actually laughing, now, at 4chan's involvement. They may be the scum off the taint of the internet, but they're good folks to know in a pinch.

Anyway, good to know justice was served for a change. Though to be honest, she got off easy, if that had been here, she would have been facing a lot worse. Also, the fact that it was in Bosnia makes sense - in a way. I've seen videos of the most horrific cruelty come out of Eastern Europe in the last few years. So bad in fact, that I will not even describe them here.

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