
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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Started by rave phillaphia, September 11, 2010, 03:45:57 PM

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rave phillaphia

Traditionally I believe 90% of spirits are just emotional implantations onto an object or area that is left over. So certain very emotional stress can leave a 'fingerprint' on something of the material world. So when someone got married and then the person who got married has a ghost of themselves at the same place, even though they are not dead.

9% of the spirits are other kinds of spirits such as demons, angels, fay, different spiritual creatures, etc...

The last 1% are the deceaseds actual spirits that linger here. I haven't worked out how the soul and spirit interacts but my theory suggests that the soul never stays in this realm and most of the time the spirit of someone moves on. Now, if that means the spirit is reincarnated or what I don't know. The soul is more of the individualistic moral person that formed throughout the living life, which the spirit is the life essence itself and has a wider connection to all other living and non living things.

Anywho, that basically explains what I think about that part.

The main point of this discussion is something that bothers me from time to time. My mother told me a few times that when I am around her that she can feel my father with me. When I go away he goes with me. She says that he is attached to me to guide me. Now I know some of the deceased does in fact become spirit guides for the living. Now I can at times feel him as well and it makes me sad because I did have a deep connection with him. I just want to know if this is true, how do I go about finding out it is, and why is it this way? I know my mom has seen him in her dreams from time to time, but how come I can't?

rave phillaphia

Maybe, but I don't know. From what I understand is that he only comes when it is absolutely nessecairy that he get a message to us. I have only seen him in a dream once and he was trying to protect me from a negative entity, something that haunted him when he was alive I guess, is how it sounded and he wouldn't explain it to me just got me to leave. I don't know how to explain it. I only get sad though because I can feel that he is sad about my family, if that makes any sense?

To make some sense about the situation: Two days before his death on fathers day, he told me that I have to take care of my little brother and my mother from then on and made me promise to him that I would. Then he died on my birthday. It might have to deal with that sometimes I feel like his death is my fault or that I am failing him because I went off to an expensive college and my family is extreamly poor, even before I left. At first I thought it was the guilt that was causing the sadness but sometimes I will just be fine and just out of now where I can feel him and how guilty/sad he feels, which then makes me start thinking and yeah... I have research psychological reasoning but some of the things just doesn't make any sense and I have even been told by people that it sounds more than just me and my guilt.

I know he is not on this realm but in another realm. He only shows up in dreams from time to time but only when something is about to happen that is very stressful or dangerous. It is just confusing and I just don't know honestly what is going on which kind of scares me a bit.


It sounds more like he feels guilty for having left you all and how things turned out without him there to help, and that you are picking up on this in an empathic manner...

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