
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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Rocky Horror Picture Show?!?

Started by chaoticpsyche, September 29, 2010, 03:08:08 PM

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So is anyone going to go to Rocky Horror this year? I plan on going for my birthday and having Denny's afterwards :)

How did you find out about Rocky Horror and when was the first time you went to a show if you have been to one?
Do you dress for the occasion?
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


I did not think any places even showed this anymore, I used to go to see it on weekends with some girlfriends
who were really into the dressing up bit

I went to it for the event of it ...and / or pick up girls, this was way back in the late 70s

I moved this topic to a more relevant forum
What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?

We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no-one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One


Ah, I didn't know where to put the topic and it popped into my head... Sorry for the trouble

Really? I know of a few venues, there is some in Cali and I know of one in Fl. It's a little old run down theater in Cape Canaveral (I am pretty sure that's spelled wrong...) Normally the one in FL only shows it around Halloween. The others in Cali are either once a month or every weekend. I'm not positive about that though.

I can't wait! :D I'm going to dress up for it too! :D
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


Who would you be going as; Magenta, Columbia, or Janet?


What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?

We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no-one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One


In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Quote from: Muerte on November 17, 2010, 03:59:56 PM
  I'll be Riff Raff

DAMN YOU!! I guess I'll have to be Dr. Furter... no way would I be the square peg in this ensemble.


"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


I can so see you and Muerte doing the 'Time Warp' together.


Lol, That would be hilarious to watch seeing as I always get to 'tuck your knees in tight' and face plant. :p
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."

Barek Halfhand

The Notorious Mr Halfhand


That's not scary :) That's innocent compared to the meatloaf for dinner part... Not actual meatloaf but the singer... It's not so much fun explaining it... T____T lol

This is one of my favorite parts
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


First time I tried to watch this movie, I was sober... and never made it passed the wedding scene. Second time, I was drunk, and able to get passed the wedding, and to "The Time Warp". Loved that song. Then it got to "Sweet Transvestite", and I was totally disturbed... reminded of some porn I found in my parent's bedroom once when I was a teenager... don't ask whose it was, because I don't know, and I can't ask.


Nice! First time I watched this movie I was in the 5th grade I think.... I'm not sure, if it was the 5th or 6th grade, and I was playing hookie >:) It came on HBO and I was bored so I watched it and died laughing, then it just stuck, and I love it now :)
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


  Does not think he has ever seen the entire thing through though if he can find his favorite scene............EH no good, I was hoping to find the scene where Riff eliminates Frank.  (A nice and clear scene so I might savor it)
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

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