
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El SueƱo de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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Make a Fairy freindly garden.

Started by Muerte, October 13, 2010, 01:54:41 AM

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  Wanna maybe possible catch a glimpse of the elusive.  Well here are a few suggestions for you home garden.  Personally I have never tried it (yet), but I figured "Hey, why not share what I know?"

  Bluebells, Elderberry, Clover, Heather, Mistletoe, Foxglove, Primrose, thyme.

  these are a few plants that have been said to attract the little bugg(ers).  Anyone got anymore?  (Yes I know there are many more, but what should I have to post them all?
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Ingesting the foxglove seeds or smoking the mistletoe would certainly help catch a bit more of 'the elusive'.

On that note i would add morning glory heavenly blue, tobacco, devils trumpet. Hell why not some psylocybin too.

They are bound to show up then.


I think rosemary is on that list to, I think its just about any plant that smells REALLY good.
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Depending on which type of fae you are trying to attract there are any number of plants/flowers from around the world that would attract them. Wildflowers & the plants usually included in Butterfly gardens are a good start. Old trees are also a hotspot so to speak & should only be taken down if they are totally dead as not to offend the fae/spirits who live in it. I'll work on a more comprehensive list if anyone would like one.


Actually I just cut down a tree in my back yard that was totally dead. I felt bad for cutting it down, because it was a beautiful tree when it was alive, however, all the winters that we've had here in florida with it's hard freezes I don't blame the tree... I just feel bad that it's down...
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


chaotic, I know how you feel. We are debating cutting down an old Loquat tree in our yard & I think I have managed to save it since a large portion is alive but the bottom is dead.


If the bottom is dead, the the roots are more than likely dead as well, it's only a matter of time... However, if you can manage to take a big enough segment of the tree and get it to grow roots (my mom can do this somehow...) You might be able to give it a second chance at life... I'm not quiet sure how she does it, but I know it involves a bucket of water and vitamins for that part that you took from the tree to get it to grow and make roots... She normally does this with her pepper plants, I'm not sure it'll work for a tree though.
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."

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