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An open Poltergeist investigation.

Started by oldbill4823, October 24, 2010, 02:59:53 AM

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Im not really saying it is anything. I am only recounting the events circumstances and experiences as they present themselves.
As such, it is what it is.
I tend to find that if things are presented as they are  they often dont fit into cosy ideas we have. It is literally the unknown that we encounter.

So you think that the evidence presented so far fits your idea of a traditional haunting?
Personally i have no idea of what a traditional haunting is. Thats why i hate labelling things as typical or traditional anything.
To experience very loud sounds eminating from thin air is neither traditional or typical. Its downright wierd and quite unsettling. That is my experience.

Just to throw another potential red herring into the equation recent ground works in the courtyard of the farm unearthed a few large bones. They are quite possibly human from the church the farm is situated next to. They were quickly covered back in lest the local authorities order  a complete halt to works whilst possible remains are moved. Then again they may have been animal bones. No one really wanted to find out what they were. They were all more concerned with practical issues of completing drainage channels and getting paid.

There is so much circumstantial evidence here that you could formulate a theory about just about anything you wanted. Spirits of dead, psychic mother, etc etc etc. But all these are just theories. What remains after all theories are stripped away is the simple evidence of what has happened and what people have experienced.
In my experience real supernatural experiences are not neat. They are never like an episode of x files. They are haunting in the very truest sense of the word, and often leave us with far more questions than answers. Such is the case again here.


Quote from: oldbill4823 on February 25, 2011, 12:38:15 PM
Im not really saying it is anything. I am only recounting the events circumstances and experiences as they present themselves.
As such, it is what it is.
I tend to find that if things are presented as they are  they often dont fit into cosy ideas we have. It is literally the unknown that we encounter.

So you think that the evidence presented so far fits your idea of a traditional haunting?
Personally i have no idea of what a traditional haunting is. Thats why i hate labelling things as typical or traditional anything.
To experience very loud sounds eminating from thin air is neither traditional or typical. Its downright wierd and quite unsettling. That is my experience.

I'm not saying it's my particular idea of a traditional haunting - as the things that you mentioned make this situation very hard to classify. Going off of what you've said so far, with all the experiences (strange noises, et al), I do agree with you in that it's strange. I personally don't know if it's a poltergeist situation, because of some of the things you've mentioned, or if it's some other haunting. Hell, it may even be a mix. I asked about poltergeist versus other due to the topic title itself, not for any other reason.

And yes, as we're going off of experiences relayed to us, all we can formulate is theories. I'm just trying to get a better grasp of the situation as you've explained it.
Age is not defined by years, but by intellect and maturity.


The word poltergeist is realy just a German term meening noisy ghost. We in the States have taken the word and turned it into a label for a haunting where things are thrown, stacked, ect. A "traditional poltergeist" usualy stems from pent up emotions turned into telicenetic power. Usualy with children, usualy with a young girl.


The long and the short of this is that it is just not practical that they leave for a few days

assuming i could find a way of engineering a situation where they left for a few days, what would you propose, and why?


Yeah, if they leave and the acitivity continues, you know its conected with the location and not the family. Sometimes these things can be stoped, sometimes they cant but step one is to try to find the cause. In my opinion anyway.


Quote from: ravinclaw on February 26, 2011, 12:38:26 PM
Yeah, if they leave and the acitivity continues, you know its conected with the location and not the family. Sometimes these things can be stoped, sometimes they cant but step one is to try to find the cause. In my opinion anyway.

Always a good first step.
Age is not defined by years, but by intellect and maturity.


I am not totally adverse to your idea but I just don't see how moving the family out for a few days proves or disproves anything. 

In the case I have written about here effects have included objects flying across room, spontaneous movement of objects, sounds produced in thin air in direct presence, sounds produced in neighbouring rooms. These have been witnessed by four different persons in a variety of settings.

If you hold with the idea that these are the responsibility of an individual then they are effects that are produced outside their body, and taking into account the fact that 4 people have now reported them, possibly produced by persons who are not even in the same room. 

If they are the responsibility of an individual then that individual does not even need to be present in the same environment in order that effects occur, moving people any distance away from the house is an inconclusive test. Effects could be produced seemingly at any distance as per ideas of astral projection where distance is not an issue.
(One apparant constant that I have found  is that they have been experienced individually, never witnessed by more than one person at a time, even when other witnesses were capable of perceiving them too.)

Also if the family did leave and no-one observed any supranormal experience this is by no means proof of any sort that the strange effects are dependent on certain family members being there. It simply proves that no strange effects were experienced by anyone for the days in question.

If you consider  that strange effects are not reported everyday, the given chance of an event happening any any given day is perhaps currently 10%.
Assuming supranormal activity can even be modelled according to any mathematical probabilities you would have to ask the family to move out for at least a fortnight whilst simultaneously monitoring the house 24/7, to even start to prove or disprove this idea. 
Any conclusions based on this test would be frought with potential distortions of data such as statistical anomalies, events being strangely related to qualities of witnesess etc. Results from such a test would in my reasoning be unclear and inconclusive.

Lastly for practical reasons the family will not perform this test. I am just playing devils advocate for ideas presented so far.


Im starting to lean toward the posability that this may be an intelegent entity. Able to interact, make decisions...that sort of thing. If it was pchychic phenominon it would just do its own thing. Seems like this thing is targeting certain people at certain times.  This is a very interesting case.


Just because this is an interesting thread, I figured it ought to be resuscitated. @OldBill - are there any updates?
Age is not defined by years, but by intellect and maturity.


I havnt spoken to them for a while but will need to speak soon re building work at their house.

When i do I will raise the subject again with them regarding their latest experiences.


I will also admit that to me it is a very interesting case. Just being able to trust the person relaying the facts is emensly important.Which I do, and think we all should.


I spoke to one of the owners on the phone a few days back. I asked briefly about any other strange activity. He said the house had been normal for quite a while now.

Strangely though sinice the last disasterous experience with the nightmare builder they had another terrible builder that they rapidly asked to leave the premises.
It turned out the new artisan had a history of mental illness and had been hospitalised for some time previously. He was seen wandering the site armed with a hammer repeatedly saying 'You never mess with a dutchman with a hammer'. It was at this point he was asked to leave. I swear you could not make this up even if you tried. Real life is just plain bizzarre at times.

It makes me wonder if there is a connection between the type of people they have attracted recently and the supernatural experiences from before. It is possible that this is just another external symptom of something much deeper.  I dont know the answer to this, it just makes me wonder that reality is just a mandala and this is just another effect of a deeper pattern at work.


Hm, an old farmhouse near the church.... gives me a few ideas. Id first check the history of the house. What was it used for in all periods. Second, id use the time when the couple is on vacation, with their knowledge of course, and set up all the gadgets, emf, camera, microphone and tape it for at least a week. Third, getting a verified medium to feel the house wouldnt hurt either, but these days its sooo hard to find one ;)


^ I met one who claimed she was a "real deal, bonafide medium." (Mind you, I wasn't looking for one, but I'd just happened to run into her). She apparently charged quite a bit for sessions with "relatives and friends that have passed on." After I had found out that an old family friend (friend? Is that the right word? I don't really even talk to her) had seen her, I'd asked her questions about her session. Well. She did talk to someone who knew "everything only my mother would know," but there was no way in f*ck it was her mother. So, sure, this woman is a "medium." But she gives you the communications you really should stay away from. So yes, in summation, it's hard to find mediums that actually know what the hell they're doing.

Ahem. Thought I'd share.

Age is not defined by years, but by intellect and maturity.


Quote from: ravinclaw on March 21, 2011, 07:55:05 PM
Just being able to trust the person relaying the facts is emensly important.Which I do, and think we all should.

That's how religions and urban myths start. It doesn't matter how trustworthy a source of anecdotal or hearsay testimony is, it does not constitute reliable evidence.


Quote from: oldbill4823 on February 24, 2011, 12:09:14 PM
...he has witnessed this stuff when alone. His only concern was wondering how much people might pay to come and stay there and how to advertise it along with his numerous other business ventures.

Old post, obviously nothing came of it. Just want to draw attention to what should have set every skeptic's internal alarm bells ringing... $$$

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