
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Being Empathic?

Started by Zeppelin, November 07, 2010, 09:42:47 AM

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Is it possible?  You always hear about intuition, but what about people who can sense other peoples emotions?

Just curious if people have ever experienced anything similar to it.


everyone has the ability to be empathetic, it's simply a talent for knowing what people are feeling, body readers and people watchers excel because we're really open book creatures, but on a hyper level: it's exhausting, stressful and makes crowds of people painfully frustrating, subjecting you to serious mood swings, a serious tendency to hermit living and if not balanced out will turn you into an energy leech that leaves a bad taste in people's mouth and susceptible to other energy leeches , some spiritual that are better at manipulating it then you are controlling it.

when balanced you're the person people go to when they need to feel good and you're able offer them the perfect words for their problem and it becomes a cycle of good energy leaving them refreshed,  rather than the usual ugliness that selfish people use it for, but that depends on the person and their ability to ascend what our minds are not designed to yet comprehend.

"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Its a linnear progression, From imagining anothers perspective to being sensitive and  intuitive, then empathic, all the way through to direct knowing.
Like Jordyn says its available to everyone except my ex wife.
Hell i even had a conversation with a dog once.
It was the strangest thing.

But what are you actually asking here? Intuitively i sense another set of questions underneath.


Quote from: oldbill4823 on November 07, 2010, 01:28:56 PM
Its a linnear progression, From imagining anothers perspective to being sensitive and  intuitive, then empathic, all the way through to direct knowing.
Like Jordyn says its available to everyone except my ex wife.
Hell i even had a conversation with a dog once.
It was the strangest thing.

But what are you actually asking here? Intuitively i sense another set of questions underneath.

i used to argue with  my dog...he argued back!  ;)

however animals have always been perceived to have a higher ability of empathy than humans innately have, animals are good for us.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


What did you argue about?

Theology again?


him getting into the garbage, generally not listening...the usual dog problems but he grumbled back when i'd chastise him, try dealing with a hundred and fifty pound year old newf/ husky-wolf breed that's too darn smart.  he now jumps out and scares people, he will actually hide behind a bush and jump out with a strange grumble sound.

that with this
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Yah i kind of figured people sort of had the natural ability to be empathic based on the way other people talk and respond to their environment you can sort of tell if someone is mad or sad.

Sometimes i just wonder if its ever heightened in certain people.  I mean sometimes in large crowds i feel anxious nervous or overwhelmed but that could honestly be anything like an anxiety disorder or whatever. 

I can sort of feel other peoples emotions and it feels like i have them too.  People are always coming to me with their problems and when meeting someone new they feel like they can spill out secrets and such to me.  I also have a knack for convincing people to side with me and reasoning with people even if i'm wrong..  Maybe i'm just that tpe of person that looks trusting and caring, which i am, but it just seems strange to me.

Anyway i was just curious on information on it or if someone else feels the same way.


Yes or course some people have this stronger than others.

Typically such people tend to seek reference from others before they make their minds up about things. (as opposed to self referntial people who make their minds up their own with no such sensitivity to others)

Humans fall in one or the other type. These are just generalisations though. Google 'NLP generalisations'  for a full list of the ways humans organise their world in such ways.

When you end your posts here asking for others opinions, you are just confirming that this is how you behave, by seeking the opinions of others before you come to a decision.

At a psychic level it is no surprise that you feel anxious in crowds and large groups. Your psychic tendrils are overworked overwhelmed confused and probably panic. This can result in feeling pretty tired. Such emotional responses are the bane and blessing of sentive people. Instead try the following idea next time you are in this situation,
try to feel the energy of the overall group, see the group as an individual thing, really feel it, then let go into this feeling, ride it like a wave., and see if your reactions to being in the midst of it are different. (Just be wise enough to stay away from any KKK gatherings or similar.)

Maybe you could start to work out strategies of balancing out your crap emotional responses  from the things that actually benefit you.
Its called being responsible for your emotions, a very very worthwhile skill for someone like you.


it's possible, I should know, I can feel emotions and thoughts from those around me^^ can't say how or why, but I can :s
I could go into details but they are a bit shamefull on my part xD cuz it's things I shouldn't be able to feel as a man and I can feel them :s
go figure what xD
anyway, it can be a blessing and a curse though...
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


Quote from: Zeppelin on November 07, 2010, 09:42:47 AM
Is it possible?  You always hear about intuition, but what about people who can sense other peoples emotions?

Just curious if people have ever experienced anything similar to it.

Not only that its possible, sadly, if one is born with hightened empathicism (?), it can make ur life a living hell. It means not only one can feel emotions of those around him, it also means u can sense someone from afar, and even animal emotions. The bad part of this tormenting ability, is if u dont learn its OTHERS emotions and if u dont learn its something OUTSIDE yourself, u can become a very sad and frightened persona.

Other side of this medal is, if one learns how to control it, it can be used other way round, meaning, if one is in the middle of a very sad or emotionaly f@cked situation, if the empath raises his emotions to a higher frequency (happines and such) it can affect others around him.

Kind of like vampirism, I guess...


Quote from: Nina on November 26, 2010, 12:57:24 AM
Quote from: Zeppelin on November 07, 2010, 09:42:47 AM
Is it possible?  You always hear about intuition, but what about people who can sense other peoples emotions?

Just curious if people have ever experienced anything similar to it.

Not only that its possible, sadly, if one is born with hightened empathicism (?), it can make ur life a living hell. It means not only one can feel emotions of those around him, it also means u can sense someone from afar, and even animal emotions. The bad part of this tormenting ability, is if u dont learn its OTHERS emotions and if u dont learn its something OUTSIDE yourself, u can become a very sad and frightened persona.

Other side of this medal is, if one learns how to control it, it can be used other way round, meaning, if one is in the middle of a very sad or emotionaly f@cked situation, if the empath raises his emotions to a higher frequency (happines and such) it can affect others around him.

Kind of like vampirism, I guess...

so true >.<
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^

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