
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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Who's in my dream.

Started by Lady_Wolf, December 05, 2010, 01:19:22 PM

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Carson Dane

I'm a young naive spirit moving fast through this world to everlasting physical life.  Yeah, should've noticed from Ravenclaw's guard dog bark I'd made psychic mistake of one person for another.  Hitting / hurting / thinking the wrong persons have been a problem all along. Good thing on balance I've managed to output net positives to others or I'd find myself in the situation your anger, Mo;och, may desire right now.

Moloch, of course you can watch as I go: all those orbs and shadows gathered around you; and, I can't help but admire you and the help and protection you provide to many needing information and spiritual protection of sorts.

I've already accepted my worthlessness, as an Anticit human being – something your ego find s hard to accept in light that most human life in the universe is Realcit- you seem fearless except for your refusal to read an explanation of your immortality I've posted for you.

Even though I consider myself a young spirit, I've died before.  I've accepted the fact I'm already dead now; that being so, when the time is right I'll turn away from the light and go away from it to the darkness beyond the edge of the universe.

Ravenclaw:  All you can do is bark on this post?  Why not step up and find some interpretation for Lady_Wolf's dream, now that I've admitted my psychic response may have been misplaced.

My intentions aren't bad or good, they're just mine. 
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."

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