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Started by bearserkar, January 09, 2011, 12:04:37 PM

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My first encounter was in 1970-something. My father was stationed at Rhine-Maine Airbaase in Germany we lived off base in a community to the west of the Frankfort ubanization my dad rented a house that was probably around a hundred years old or so I know it was built back before the great wars.

Getting to the meat of the story I met this person, or I called him a person. I only saw him a few times first time I saw him was the early morning hours of my first snow fall when we moved in. there was a street light ouside that always kept my room in a dull glow. I wokeup and looked across the bed to see a boy lying on the other side of my bed and he was smiling at me. His face was half lit by the street light. he was just there looking at me with a large cheese eating grin. He really scared me I rolled face down into the pillow and waited a few seconds before I looked up again. When I did he was gone. I did mention it to my family they and in their true fashion they laughed at me told em I was dreaming. I took it as maybe I was dreaming and went on with my life.

A few months later I saw him again, this time I was walking through the sitting room heading toward the front door. There he was peeking out behind the large chair sitting in the corner. This time I knew it was not a dream he was on his knees behind the chair smiling as before dressed in what looked like those long white sleep shirts. He waved to me and held his hand up to his mouth making the be quiet sign. I turned around and walked out of the room. From that day on I never went back into that room and always left the house by the back door. We stayed in the house for three years until my mom popped up and told my dad we were going back to the states and we were gone in 72 hours.

I am not sure what happened nor am I sure about the history of the house we lived in all those years ago.
Not much of a Warrior, not much of a Poet.

Devious Viper

Interesting. And by coincidence, the first "supernatural" experience for which I couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation also happened to me in Lower Saxony, Germany.


Viper, that is interesting care to expand on that?
Not much of a Warrior, not much of a Poet.


Viper do not worry about it I just found it, read it, wow.
Not much of a Warrior, not much of a Poet.

Devious Viper

I served a few years later in an old building which was seeing out its last days before demolition. It had originally been a Nightingale-style hospital, built in the late 1870s, vast and magnificent. But by this time, only a small area of the ground floor was still in use, the rest long since abandoned. I never saw anything while I was there, although others did, but I did on one occasion hear what appeared to be footsteps in an empty room above me. Suffice to say, it was a creepy place. One night, while myself and another guy were the only two on duty in the building, there was a tremendous thunderstorm. It was that close and that impressive looking that we went outside to watch, and actually saw the building struck by a bolt of lightning. We called the duty fire officer and reported it, and he asked if there was any fire as a result. I replied that there was none visible from outside, and he asked if I would go upstairs and investigate. For about ten seconds I thought about prowling around in the dark up there during a thunderstorm...

I told him to get ... and look himself if he was that interested.


Now that is wild. I am sure the duty officer enjoyed your candor too.
Not much of a Warrior, not much of a Poet.

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