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Started by Ryobi, January 17, 2011, 10:01:19 PM

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I recently had my boyfriend over to stay and over a few days we both felt a lot of bad energy manifesting. It led to many arguments and awkward, tense situations which is far from normal. As soon as we left the house the bad feelings were gone and everything was normal. Both I and my boyfriend heard footsteps last night and a dim light was coming from the bathroom. We vacated very quickly and both felt pins and needles on our arms for a while afterwards.

There's been many many instances where I've heard footsteps upstairs at night and heard doors and the gate opening and closing when I've been the only person home. If there were other people in the house then I wouldn't be led to believe there might be spirits present at all but the evidence does point to something possibly supernatural in origin.  Where I usually sit also doesn't pick up any reception, is much colder than the rest of the house and people have reported seeing people outside the windows at night. However I don't really trust those claims much as it could have been animals, who knows? One of the guys was mentally troubled anyway.

I have seen a certain woman twice before. Once when I was quite young and had a bunk bed, she was standing by the bed and was reaching underneath the bar (that stops you from falling out) towards me. Again, when I was sleeping in a garage at a friends with a good friend, she came and talked to him for quite a while. I heard the entire conversation and we both remembered the same situation in the morning. Now I know both these incidents occurred close to sleep but I felt they were worth mentioning as the woman is definitely not a family friend or acquaintance but she definitely felt real to both my friend and I.

Anyone have any ideas? I would like to ascertain what kind of spirit this may be or whether it's just many freak occurrences? Also does anyone know how I could stop this kind of activity from happening anymore?

When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Hmmm, this sounds like a double haunting. Residual and intelligent, your friend and boyfriend could've recharged the area. Making the scenes play out again, this in itself could've lead to the spirit stirring back up. It doesn't sound to that it's intentions are harmful, maybe just lonely.
-The shadows connect us all-


I'm putting technical things aside cause... frankly, I just woke up.

First thing I would suggest is sitting in a place you feel safe when the activity stirs again and just kindly as the spirits yes or no questions and respond with knocks. Find out if it's more than one or whatever questions you might have IF You want to ask it something. If not, no problem. Then try to ask nicely for the spirit to leave you alone. Some spirits don't mean to cause problems.

If you STILL don't feel safe, you can do what I do when I stay the night at my Mom's house (that place is creepy haunted as hell). When you are down for the night, take a small dish and place something of importance in the center--such as a piece of jewelry, or a key chain you always have on you--anything charged with your energy well enough will work (A friend used a driver's license and it worked perfectly). Put a ring of salt around the item and say or think very loudly that you are protected. Place it under the bed, towards the head of the bed, and be in awe. If you're bed is on the floor, place it above you or to the side of where your head its.

If the salt circle is complete all the way through, this should do wonders and make all things that could possible be messing with you go silent. So long as you are within the room, it should work. If you leave the room, you would need a new dish or take the previous with you. I don't think you should need multiple dishes in your room though... again, if you want a little bit of help on removing the uneasy feeling, carry a salt packet either in your purse or pocket or wallet or (like a friend of mine did) in your bra.

That's all I got while half asleep. :) With more events/info and a more awake me, I may be able to be more helpful.


Next time I'm alone in the house i'll ask her what her business is and I'll tell you what happens. Might not be for a while though.

I don't know whether carrying the salt pack around worked in a placebo kind of way or actually did something but I feel safer so thanks.

It does make sense that the boys recharged the area and that led to her making physical appearances. But the idea of residual energy seems to suggest not being able to do much about it?
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


I knocked and nothing happened. Looking at other ideas now but thanks for all the help everyone.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


residual energy is usually cleared out with strong cleansings, fumigations e.t.c do you know what occupied the lot your home was on before it was built or notable facts about those who have lived there?
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


I don't really know but I live in a working class area that's always been such, so the previous residents were most likely a small working class family (it was a small house). Also the area was hit badly by the floods. I know people died nearby if that means anything.

I find it interesting that footsteps can only be heard on the second level, which is where everyone would have been in the floods.

Apart from that, no idea.

When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


If you want it gone, the first step is to tell it to leave, explain that it no longer belongs in the world of the living, tell it its not welcome. Do it with force but show some respect. If that dosnt work let us know. Methods of geting rid of ghosts can depend on the beliefs of the haunted.


I've told whoever or whatever it is that I am scared by it's presence and would be much more comfortable if it would leave my home and what is in essence my personal sanctuary alone. Yesterday I heard creaks and noise coming from the part of the house so I focused on it out of the corner of my eye while watching tv. I think I saw a figure near the far wall stooping over, seemed to have long hair or a scarf maybe as their was something hanging down from the figures head. Emphasis on the word 'think' though. I've seen many unjustified lights and shadows out of the corner of my eye for quite a while so it could easily have just been my brain trying to process something like that.

The thing is, the entity may have made contact with a few people and a lot of my stuff has gone missing and turned up in weird parts of the house like the yard or storing room but as of yet they haven't done anything malefic. I'm starting to realise that not everything that's not from this world is out to get me which means I'm not getting paranoid or frightened anymore. In fact I feel fine since my boyfriend stopped staying here. It's even a little nice being able to say, 'it's best if you don't come over, remember all the bad juju? I'll come to yours sometime instead' because it means I always have my own space. :P

Maybe whoever it is, is just as attached to this house as I am, not too mention as curious regarding my intentions as I am regarding their's. Starting to think all the negative energy generated when a stranger stayed in the house may have been their way of saying, go away, this is not normal. If that's the case then telling them to leave would be rude.

Whenever a spirit tried to make a human leave somewhere a war starts up between them and us. If neither is threatening the other is it still a problem or am I missing some key problems with this situation?
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Well, if you dont mind it being there, I dont see any thing wrong with leting it stay. If it ment you any harm you would probably have known it by now


Agreed, was more curious about who they were I guess. Thanks guys.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

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