
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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Need protection spells

Started by Mr. Reaper, January 27, 2011, 07:06:45 PM

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Mr. Reaper

I'm a young "wizard" (I prefer occultist) who does venture into some darker territory and I need some more protection. I have the basic spells but anything that works very good against demons and shadows/shades in particular would be deeply appreciated, and not just personal protection if you please, I have quite a few friends I'd like to keep safe. And if I happen to have the wrong section (I'm very new) I'm terribly sorry.


well demons can be kept away with what i think is he 6th seal of mars i'm not sure at the moment but it is a goetic seal that depicts of scorpion and frankly looks badass  :mrgreen: but lines and circles of saslt help, amulets of white mustard seed are also pretty decent measures of protection. If possibe you should gather all the to be protected people in a salt circle and dispeense packets of white mustard seeds, vials of holy water, sprigs of rue, or rosemary but these are really basic methods of dispelling and protecting minfor negative energies. I think it would help alot if you gave us a bit more insight into what you need protection from.
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom

Mr. Reaper

Incubi sucubui, the more pissed off variety of ghost....actualy pretty much all undead spirits (I put a lot of variety in my experiments), and now that I think of it, backlash from the nastier class of spell (curses on people's health and fortune mainly)


Lady is correct. Almost all practitioners believe in the Law of Three or something similar. It works on the premis that like attracts like, what energy you send out you get back. If you are choosing to summon evil/curse etc. expect to have some serious repercussions. I am more concerned that you refer to these as "expiraments" as this is not something to mess around in out of curiosity. How young are you? How long have you been studying & when did you start practicing? My recommendation is to stop all active practices until you have learned more. Also, & this may just be a quirk of mine, but the trm "wizard" isn't really used outside of fiction.

Mr. Reaper

1. I used wizard because most people recognize it better than occultist (which I pointed out to be my preferred title)
2. Yes I'm more interested in black arts than is healthy and I'm perfectly willing to get killed or some similar fate. What I try to acomplish can't be done other ways.
3. I just wanted some extra help making sure I'm not killed on the spot by a dumb mistake (I'm careful bordering on paranoid but I am human) and some help keeping innocents from getting caught up in what should be my punishment.
4. My age doesn't matter, obviously I'll be dead before I'm much older.
I'm sorry if I seem upset, I just wanted some help from people with more experience on the subject than me.


I didn't intend to offend/upset you & I apologize if I did. I do have to say, for my own peace of mind, that I am worried you are willing to die for what you called expiraments.  You can find help here. What methods have you been using for protection so we don't mention things you've already tried. Do you happen to know the identity of the vengeful ghost (I'm assuming you're refering to a human entity since you had already mentioned incubi & succubi & seem to know what you are dealing with.) You also mentioned you needed help protecting other around you so I will look into any charms/talismans that can be of help.

Mr. Reaper

1. I make sure to clear out my workshop with holy water (a plant mister makes for a good delivery system) and to keep it ringed with salt to keep things in. That's about it for general protection.
2. For specific protection I use solomon's triangle and keep a solomon's pentagram pendant on myself at all times (I've always found them to work very well)
3. I give all my friends similar pendants and keep them out of my workshop at all costs.
4. I also use the smudge stick method as a nod to my native ancestors
5. I don't know the identity of the spirit who has been causing me the most trouble lately (honestly I don't even recall having encountered this one before it started messing with me so I think it's just your basic annoying spirit, really I haven't had the heart to get rid of the pathetic little thing, it mainly just trips me and slams the odd door)
6. Thank you and I'm sorry I got upset, I'm a little touchy after years of being called insane
7. Yes, I do like lists, keeping things ordered helps me, that's why I call them experiments by the way.                         
Honestly my problems aren't that serious yet, just some injuries. Mainly I'm asking because I'm paranoid and I want to make sure if something manages to kill me I don't want anyone else getting killed in the process


Why is everyone helping a kid with stuff like this?

And Reaper, I suggest that you look back at your posts and think long and hard on all of the stupidity you have shown; then apologize for it. This is as nice as I will be on the subject. If you're too self-centered to see your mistakes, let me know. I'll happily point them out to you in the same bullet fashion you have used.

Mr. Reaper

I apologize for my stupidity

It won't happen again
Goodbye and god bless you


I'm almost sorry to see him go so soon. He was smarter than he looked.


  Actually he left in less of an accordance than he would have wished.  His signature and his responses has led both of the guardians to believe that his membership was detrimental to the legal obligations of this site.  He has been permanently banned/deleted from this site.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Thank you gentlemen for banning him. He sounded like some one who would summon a high level demon just for the experiments
sake, and then screw something up and get himself and all of his friends killed, those high level demons are spiteful and vengeful critters you know. :evil:


Quote from: jacob1821 on January 30, 2011, 02:10:54 PM
Thank you gentlemen for banning him. He sounded like some one who would summon a high level demon just for the experiments
sake, and then screw something up and get himself and all of his friends killed, those high level demons are spiteful and vengeful critters you know. :evil:

This is assuming they are indeed real. I have yet to see anything that says the christian faith got anything paranormal right. Hell, I see less than nothing that says it's even an original faith. That's for another thread and board though. Might I suggest this one be locked since the offender is gone?


?I still find there lists of the angelic choirs and the inversion of them used for demons as a pretty decent classification list with most of the errors coming from being re-translated over and over again. But this whole thread brings up a really good thing for the community as a whole if it was implemented correctly mind if i pm you about it mo?
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom

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