
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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Robert the Doll

Started by Anaya, February 17, 2011, 05:25:23 AM

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Has anyone ever been to Key West to see Robert the Doll? The one time I got to go to Key West, I wasn't able to go into the museum but I have heard a lot of things about him.

One story that isn't in that video I heard from a ghost tour guide of mine. Told me he had taken picture after picture after picture of the scenery of Key West the first time he was there. The last picture he took was of Robert the Doll. When he got his pictures developed, he was given a funny look. He dismissed it and went home. When he returned home and looked at his pictures, every single photo was of Robert the Doll, except for the last. That one was completely black.

If you have ever seen Robert the Doll in Key West, let me know, or if you have heard any other stories of him, that would be awesome too! :)


So Creepy!!! I'm glad I hate dolls! I hate them with a passion, they are creepy in general, but this doll looks even creepier!
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


lol I know what you mean. I kept surfing around YouTube and I could see what people meant with the different expressions. I wanna go meet Robert :o and take pictures :)


HOLY HELL that is creepy  :-o.. its the eyes that give me the shivers.. and just the face.. i could get a replica of this and sneak it into my cousin's room and when he wakes up to pee at night.... AGGGHHH !!! XD priceless  :-D
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...



I didn't know this, thank you.


No problem, I saw this and i was like, damn, this looks familiar :)


Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...

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