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Shadow Man encounter

Started by Omnipotent, March 10, 2011, 03:20:38 AM

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That night it all began with wanting something to drink, really. I had prolonged the need to go sooner than later, choosing later might have saved me or well, prevented me for having this awesome experience.

I had started to walk up the street, towards the store at the end of it.
Didn't get far as i walked past some tree's.. i heard some noise in my left ear. It sounded like something static, buzzing, with screams underneath it, very loud yet so quiet, silenced by the static noise.

I kept on walking, thought it may just be my ears popping since i do have tinnitus, but that was a bit different, the screams were there.. and for some reason as i kept on walking, i turned around to have a look.

There i saw it, instantly knowing what it was since i had read up on the shadows before. I knew its weakness, strengths and all. I was prepared. I still froze up, the fear was great.. Greater than i could ever imagine fear to be.
I stood my stance, made myself tall and thought to myself in quite the brave or better yet, stupid manner; "Come on man, you're stronger than this!"

I taunted the creature out, told it to face the light head on, not crawl in the dark. The tone of my voice was dark and deep, i have no idea what came over me but in my haze i felt drunk with power. I was going to fight this thing, haha. But actually just get it to submit to my power.

It didn't come out, It rather just stood still so i turned around and walked away.

As i came to the store, got my beverage and walked back out.. On the way back home i still heard people screaming in the distance. Everything was a haze yet i had nothing to fear anymore in the dark.

Based on true events, back in late 2007. September or October. .. Its a long time ago, give me a break >.<
Don't seek faith, let faith seek you.


Hi Omni, nice to read your stuff here on the forum again.

Quick question for you, in the months prior to this had you been experimenting with hallucinogenics?

I am not questioning the reality of your experience just trying to understand your slightly trippy reaction to a direct encounter with this thing.

Carson Dane

Omnipotent: Nice post!

Oldbill: What'd think was trippy about his reaction?
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


Omni have you ever any more experiences with shadows?

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