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Wondering what it is

Started by Nighthowl, March 10, 2011, 06:16:50 PM

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Ever since I can remember, I've had been able to "sense" people coming near me before they were close. The feeling is like... my ears open up... I don't really know how else to describe it. I've never had the ability to control this feeling, and over the past few years it's been activating when I've been completely alone, which makes me think of spirits or some other sort of entity being around me. I just wonder if anyone knows what this feeling is, and if I can control it or not, or if it will just remain unknown and uncontrollable.


I think everyones perception of the things around them runs deaper than we allow ourselves to realize. What we would call a sixth sence is just that, an actual sence that lies dormant in our brain. Most average people can pick up on things like being watched or staired at. I guess some of us can take it a step or two further without having to try. I could go into a little more detail, but Im sure others will have things to add so Ill leave it at that for now.


Lets put it like this, our bodies are like antennas and our brain is like a magnetic generator. Every antenna reacts to a generator, and every generator sends waves to antennas. Some have better antennas, and some have a slight short circle  :-D


Its an ability called something that i can't remember


I think that one may have given up on an answer long before anyone had a chance to answer....given the fact they never responded. Its a shame really


Actually I just became swamped with some work and forgot for a while that I posted this. I still am looking for an answer as it has been more active than usual recently.

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