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shielding talisman making help request

Started by josiah, March 24, 2011, 12:04:32 AM

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Hi I was wanting to make a talisman out of a glass knob might be a cystal but not really sure. It about the size of large shooter marble. I want it to be used as a shielding talisman or a boost to a shielding ( if someone would teach me how to) . Im not sure how to do this. The reason I want to make this I feel im being attacked by energy feeder/feeders. Though it might be other things extra protection never hurts.


  What you ask is no simple task.  For one a Talisman/Amulet is very dependent upon the type of material used, for another the shape of the Talisman/Amulet will also play a factor in its focus or intent ( round vs faceted vs square vs ect ).  Symbology associated with such items are also equally important.  Do you wish to protect against the "Evil Eye" ( generic protection against many myriad forms of ill intent ) or is it for a more focused purpose.

  Tell me, what sort of entities is it you believe are "feeding" from you?
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


I think psy vamp or (coulda spirit feed off of you?)


Stone salt, ash and any lil rock u can find, put those in a lil bag and carry with you all the time. Best against all sort of black magic and entities.


  Ah the good ol' Gris Gris bag. 

  Edit:  After consideration I am going to share a trick with you.  You do not need to create an Amulet/Talisman.  Just find yourself a piece of Black Tourmaline and carry it in your pocket.  That's it and no more.  This stone is a natural shield against Psychic ( of any kind ) attacks.  I leave it to you as to how you will obtain one, but I hear the internet has many fine stores available.

  P.S.  You will need to cleanse your stone periodically to keep it at peak performance, this I will let you figure out how to do on your own.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Black tourmaline, its funny you would mention that. I have about ten pounds of it in a box in my closet. I was told it came from Brazil, and thought it looked pretty cool, but had no idea it was useful for anything. I also have quiet a bit of quorts too. (My kid collects rocks and people are allways giving him s**t.)


  I find it funny that you would mention the Quartz.  It is a key component in cleansing over used stones.  (Certain Quartz also have protection qualities, but as these are generalized I decided to offer him a more specific solution to his problem)
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Thats usually best I think with people newer to this sort of thing especialy. The simpler the better to avoid mistakes. At this point Im wondering if I should start a new thread about crystals and rocks. I have studied them some on a very miner scale, but havnt realy studied their occult uses. I wouldnt want to go far enough into the subject as to confuse our young friend who started the topic, but I find the topic in general very interesting.


Thanks for the replies. Just out of curious evil eye talisman what exactly does it protect me from if I wanted to make it?


 Think of it like putting a Neighbor Hood Watch sticker in the front window of your house.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

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