
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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Is there such thing as a Dream Realm?

Started by Azolus, March 27, 2011, 03:15:37 PM

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Like many people in here, I've had some really crazy dreams recently, but they've made me think. I had a dream this january about a strange museum somewhere in another world, containing one example of everything there is in the universe. It WAS insanely big, bigger on the inside than it was on the outside (very much like the Tardis), and it was like nothing else I've ever seen.
Nobody I recognized.
The whole situation was explained to me by the curator. I wrote this all down immediately after my dream. He said that this museum was in another dimension, on top of the one we live in. Normally when people dream, their dreams consist of mash-ups of memories and experiences, but sometimes people dream their way into the musem. The "Dreamers" are nothing but a mind, and being nothing but thoughts, their form is ever-changing and abstract. They could be one form one minute, another the next. They aren't held down by physics... but they can take a physical form... and harm people.
If they appear on-site, they are locked in a sort of prison, a big, blank, white room, with nothing in it but other dreamers. They are kept there until they awaken.

I had a second dream similar to it, this time I was in a strange environment. Someone there too told me I was dreaming.

I'm almost certain that these are just dreams, but it still makes me think: Is there such thing as a Dream Realm? Does our mind go someplace when we go to sleep? Are they just thoughts, or is there something more?

I want to hear your opinions, and experiences.
21st Century- So not loving it.


maybe something that you've seen thats out  of the ordinary could've influenced your dream like a film or novel similar to what you've mentioned ? Or maybe thats been something that you've been pondering on without realizing ?
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...


21st Century- So not loving it.


The way i understand it dreams are a hatch through which we can explore all sorts of different things.
We can explore ideas, memories, our own psychology, we can explore communal abstract collective things too, we can meet the dead, experience the future, we can explore real places in the real physical world, we can also explore real places that we can not access via waking physical world. We can meet other real beings that have other independent lives of their own. We can meet dream characters that are merely projections of our own subconcious. Learning how to navigate these experiences and knowing exactly what is what takes a lot of experience.
To say there is a dream realm is an over simplification. Dreaming is a hatch to inifinity.Thats a big big place.

Thats a cool dream experience you had about the museum Azolus though.


Quote from: oldbill4823 on March 28, 2011, 02:45:27 PM
The way i understand it dreams are a hatch through which we can explore all sorts of different things.
We can explore ideas, memories, our own psychology, we can explore communal abstract collective things too, we can meet the dead, experience the future, we can explore real places in the real physical world, we can also explore real places that we can not access via waking physical world. We can meet other real beings that have other independent lives of their own. We can meet dream characters that are merely projections of our own subconcious. Learning how to navigate these experiences and knowing exactly what is what takes a lot of experience.
To say there is a dream realm is an over simplification. Dreaming is a hatch to inifinity.Thats a big big place.

Thats a cool dream experience you had about the museum Azolus though.

Thanks for your insight.
Yeah. I got locked in the little prison... and killed everyone inside once a fight started! (They only woke up.)
21st Century- So not loving it.


Sometimes the dream realm and the waking realms have very blurry borders.
You are doing something very sacred here, something very daring, during your life upon the earth. You are defining yourself, and then recreating yourself anew, in each golden moment of Now.


I believe there is such thing, met a lot of folks there, then was surprised to meet them in this realm too. We are actually sleeping when we think we are awake... so that realm couldnt be called a dream one really :lol:


I believe that museum does exist. I believe another name for it is the library of the universe.

There was a man in the early 1900's that was the type of person who gave advice. Many people sought his help for vary diverse, miscellaneous reasons.  This man could fall asleep on a book and when he woke up, he would of "absorbed" all the knowledge of that book without physically reading it. Every time this man was helping someone, he would go into a trance. He claimed that there was this big library in the universe. It contained a lot of knowledge.  From this place the man obtained the information to help people. Many of his clients had medical ailments that this man assisted with. (I believe this man was also a doctor, cannot remember his name for the life of me)

The point is that in order to get to this place he had to be in a trance or dream like state. This place resembles the one you are mentioning, at least in my opinion. So whether it was another dimension or just a building made in the man's mind to use a catalyst for the information, it still existed in some way.

Now is the dream world an actual world? Well to tell you the truth I have absolutely no idea. But despite that, I think the dream world is a real place. I also think that there is a difference between dream world and astral projection.  The dream is yours and is like your home to leave or invite people in. The astral projection aspect is like the public park that everyone can use. So they are similar but yet seprate. But that is my opinion on it, I do not have any good evidence to back up any of my statements.  Take them as you will.

But I feel this is a topic that is best investigated after a good night's sleep.  %&$   (I was not strong enough to resist the urge)
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Sort of like how I used to sleep in all my classes but learned everything they taught. I think the only class with knowledge that didn't stick was the one I was awake for.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

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