
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Lunar charging

Started by Levinthross, April 18, 2011, 12:26:50 AM

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hey everyone it just occured to me that I have not been able to come up with or find a decent prayer ,incantaiton,or spell to charge objects and water with the power of the moon outside of long and strenous sincere prayer to a string of lunar deities in conjunction with the clawing motion described in Raven grimassi's hereditary i'm asking if anyone has any poem or prayer ,spell that they like and have had good experience with in use for charging items and liquids with the power and virtues of the moon?
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


 :-D well i was trying to get a rite or a small ritual to empower water with not only the purifying aspects of the moon but the empowering lunar properties so that it could be used to *feed*  other items or empower spells wile also being able to cleanse objects.

I also was planning on charging a few candles so that when lighted they give off lunar infused life that could act as a sort of very small pseudo moon for other rituals or empowering/charging items with lunar qualities outside of the period of the fullmoon.
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


hmmm you have a very good point lol
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom

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