
I'm not afraid of werewolves or vampires or haunted hotels, I'm afraid of what real human beings do to other real human beings. - Walter Jon Williams

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Started by SKGS, April 30, 2011, 08:51:46 PM

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So.... Demons, exorcism, and pchy vamps are crap? How did we come to this conclusion? Through personal experiance? It would be terrably arrogant for one to assume he has experianced everything......wouldnt it?


RC if you had understood my post you would understand that i have not said that those phenomena do do not exist. I do say using those words as explanations is crap.
The language we use to talk about experiences of the unknown are important.
If i give you the following lists of words you tell me the association that spring to mind.
Demon exorcism vampire. Now start feeding these associated states to vulnerable yougsters in their formative years and telling them that they may need to be exorcised.

Yes i truly believe that these descriptions are ignorant models from our predecessors. What wisdom there is within those models has since been lost by the associated mass of speculative sensational bulls**t surrounding the concepts.  At some point you have to start discerning between allegory metaphor and perceptual fact.
What does wicked mean? If i tell an impressionable child they are wicked what is the result? So what if i start telling someone they have a demon inside them?

Just consider that knowledge about sex can be phrased through language to permenantly scar a persons relationship with all things sexual unless we are careful. Same with the unknown. Go about it the wrong way and you cause damage and unforseen side effects.

I havnt experienced everything nor dor i claim to but if anyone here starts telling their children they are psychic vampires then those people really do deserve to be investigated by social services of their country. Such descriptions and models are tantamount to psychological abuse. There are better ways of explaining things, understand?

Lastly can anyone anyone give me a real personal example of identifying a demon leading to a peaceful balanced result. Anyone???
I really would love to examine such an account logically in microscopic detail. Please post one so i can pore over it and ask questions.
I ask because i see this idea of identifying demons again and again on this forum. I have yet to read of a single actual experience where it worked. This suggests to me people are repeating inherited beliefs and recieved information as absolute truth without really knowing for themselves that it is a credible endeavour. My ideas are not fixed though. My ideas are based on observed generalisations and experience. It might only take one experience to change my opinion on this.


Need to ID this "entity" if possible and I don't know where to start.

This is where i got the idea from. It is the opening line of the first post.
Note she does not ask to id the phenomena as you state, she asks to id the entity.

'Psy vamp' is not a description of phenomena. It is an explanation of something.
There is a huge difference between objective description and an explanation.

For example 'you have sinned against God' is an explanation',
a description is that 'you broke you leg in a skiing accident after passing irreligous comments all morning'.

Psy vamp is an explanation of an experience which require that you automatically 'buy into' a very specialised set of beliefs. That is a strong imposition of beliefs.


But maybe, just maybe, the daughter hasnt been honest, and theres more to the story than that what SKGS thinks he/she really knows. The girl is obviously a teen, so it might not be ANY entity at all.


I have talked to her about my experiences and also that there is more then meets the eye between heaven and earth.
Maybe I should have worded my concers or where to start/do/inquire about what is going on in a different way. My goal was/is to identify cause and deal with it what ever it is.
By the way..... my daughter is 16. In our conversations I made sure that she understands fully that there is absulotely no place for "mis information" or even to make it colorful.

On a separate note. Sorry to cause such a whirl wind in the way I worded my post. Will do better/clearer in the future.
Knowledge is power.


You are probably correct Nina. Even kids who have a realy strong relationship with their parents tend to leave things out. I guess I missunderstood part of your post Oldbill. There are dozens of possibilities for the problems this young lady is facing, I think its a bit to early to rule anything out. I was under the impression you were saying that her own pchycic abilities had sort of opened up leaving her more prone to experiancing this sort of thing than average, and it very well could be. But at this point I think anything is possible. Ps, wasnt trying to be an ass with my last post.... I just AM an ass and it comes out sometimes lol. 


I can give you an example!~ Entity was bothering a household of a friend of mine and when we found out it was a demon and got an actual name, we bound it to an herb-filled doll and wrapped it with string for a binding ritual and still have it trapped to this day, slowly destroying the energy within with the herb combination we did! :D TADA!


Quote from: Anaya on May 09, 2011, 06:10:21 AM
I can give you an example!~ Entity was bothering a household of a friend of mine and when we found out it was a demon and got an actual name, we bound it to an herb-filled doll and wrapped it with string for a binding ritual and still have it trapped to this day, slowly destroying the energy within with the herb combination we did! :D TADA!

i feel sorry for it :|...........what was its name??
if bullets doesn't kill it than salt will


Not sure how to spell it but it was something like Izaia


Thanks for all of your input  :-)
The matter has been taken care of by Moloch and is resolved.
Knowledge is power.

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