
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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My current (suspected) Encounter.

Started by Decado, May 26, 2011, 08:01:58 AM

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So, I'm aware I'm very new to this forum and I really hope I'm not speaking out of place when I go to mention this, a while ago I started feeling very drained. I was just tired and sluggish and all in all a bit off; I didn't think anything of it of course we all have our off days. My concerns began to grow when I continued to feel sluggish the majority of time I'm inside my house, inside my bedroom or sister's room or the upstairs hall/stairway. This specificity of areas where this feeling would occur is what first gave me the suspicion of supernatural involvement. I decided, however, that I would look into it before I started doing anything, or assuming anything.

I decided one way to make sure it wasn't just me feeling lazy was to start exercising again, I'd previously been off for a while from rugby with broken ribs and had since recovered and gone back into rugby. I kept at it for a few weeks and whilst I was burning fat, I didn't get the elated feeling that I usually did from exercise I still felt drained and sluggish and all I wanted to do was eat. My diet changed not long after this to try and make up for the lack of energy, eating more carbohydrates and sugars hoping it was just a dietary problem. Nothing has changed.

Now for a bit of background on me, I'm not clairvoyant in the way of seeing ghosts I can strongly feel presences and I can hear small whisperings on occassion (Sometimes it seems like the wind and so I will put it down to that) I'm not psychic in any real sense I don't get premonitions above and beyond that of the average human being, however I used to get extremely vivid ones that would take me through an entire day's events when I was a child. I have extremely good mental endurance and my reflexes are also quite sharp. As a smaller child I was introduced to the supernatural, my nana would explain all these things to me (mainly ghosts) and talk of her encounters; she witnessed her father come to her in a dream the night her mother died, explaining that he was here to take her mother into the afterlife. My father has also had encounters with ghosts which were explained to me when I was young also, he took part in a ouija board something or other to speak to a friend of the family's father and witnessed the spirit smoke his cigarette (not even leaving him twos :P).

Back to the past (And I thoroughly apologise for the length I just want to give you all the full story for your input and/or pleasure) I've always been drawn to places that are said to have supernatural activity, my personal belief is that it is just my childhood telling me that there's something interesting there because nana told you so. Often I would spend nights over in the abandoned mental sanctuary (I say this because it was a small village in its own right) which is supposedly the most haunted place in central belt Scotland, however I am sceptical of the validity of said claim. I would feel many presences, I was never stupid enough to go alone but I was arrogant enough not to use protection in the sense of a crystal or sigil or something other than that simply because I was young and had no idea what they were.

This is where I believe I've picked up my associate. I used to get small nigglings of depression when I was a little younger and after being tested for a few mental illnesses that run in my family (Schizophrenia and manic-depression being the two most prominent in my family). I came out clean. Now it's not unusual with the hormonal imbalance for a teenager to get depressed, so I thought nothing of it, but now that it's all calmed down I know it's not this, my life has had no great upset so now here I am, sluggish and drained most of the time and I believe its a spirit that's to blame. I don't want to say that the being is malevolent because I don't get that vibe from him. I get cold spots whenever I enter these rooms, these rooms were not known for letting in a draft. I almost always get the feeling of being watched and that glimpse of something over my shoulder (which I can put my hands up and say are probably just your run of the mill paranoia); however, it's gotten to the stage where I have been a food source for long enough.

I began researching ways of finding out just what this thing was with the intent of ridding myself of it (I had researched these things before but never with the intent of removal) but no sooner than I opened a book, kindly recommended to me by a member of our very own forums, I felt this sudden unexplainable fear. It was oppressively strong and I didn't believe for a second that it was myself (This happening just a few hours ago). So this is my encounter, I tell you all this because I really do want an opinion whether it's all just me, or if it's truly a spirit that has chosen me to feed upon.

Thank you if you managed to even skim that ocean of text for those of you that saw the size and just couldn't manage I apologise thoroughly.


I can say I'm proud of myself to have read through all of it in the course of one song on my playlist. (yay!)

You said in your sister's room, so has she been experiencing the same thing? I'm assuming you ruled out medical possibilities as you said you came out clean for depression and such. Does such a feeling follow you outside of the house, such as the sluggishness continues, or do you snap back to normal when you leave the general area? You just say sluggish and drained, are there emotions that come into play at these times? Now, if you can recall the incident with the book, was it just a feeling of fear or was there anything like tingling or something within your body? Did you continue reading anyway?

Those are my questions so far; and I'll explain why I asked them! :D

You said in your sister's room, so has she been experiencing the same thing? If your sister has been in the same sluggish mood and it's not normal, then maybe there is something. Though, it can still be an empathic/compassion based thing where if one person is down, another is down too.

Does such a feeling follow you outside of the house, such as the sluggishness continues, or do you snap back to normal when you leave the general area? When I get in these kinds of moods, I just want to hole myself up in an area I know I am safe in (nothing new can surprise me) and comfortable in. This is normally the bedroom or the (DON'T LAUGH) the closet. When I would go through some major emotional or spiritual issues, I was often found locked up in the closet, crying and sitting under the clothes hanging there. They were my peace places that most people didn't bother me in. When I wanted or needed to be alone cause I was in that funk of a mood, there I would be. It might be a psychological play through of something that has happened to someone close to you. Like when a mother knows her child is hurt before the child even cries.

You just say sluggish and drained, are there emotions that come into play at these times? Sluggish and drained normally mean depressed when it comes to me. If I'm sluggish and drained, I'm (what I call) comfortably numb, meaning I don't care, don't wish to care, and don't wish to be cared for. I just want to be, and that is all it will be by the end of the day. That mood normally takes a tole until I go to sleep. As I said, that's just me.

Now, if you can recall the incident with the book, was it just a feeling of fear or was there anything like tingling or something within your body? Did you continue reading anyway? I had a experience once where I was typing something up, trying to help someone who had encountered a spirit I had dealt with before. I developed a burning sensation in my elbows (no medical problems ever related to the arms) and ended up doubling over cause the pain was so fierce. I refused to touch them and held my arms out straight, not locking them, and developed what looked like sunburns on the inside of my elbow (any of my friends know me that I don't wear sunblock so the rest of my arms would have to be burned for it to be a sunburn). I rubbed aloe on them and took some Ibuprofen and went back to typing. The burning continued to get worse as I typed and eventually I took a break, leaving the message incomplete and on my computer. After a nap, I woke and the marks were gone but the burning was still there. I returned to the computer, finished what I was saying and when I sent it, the burning filled me like someone had grabbed me and refused to let go. Of course, I am very sensitive when it comes to spirits and death related things so... my experience could be a me kind of thing.



Sorry if my description of the feeling was a little Vague, when I say numb and drained, it's not a comfortable feeling, I feel burdened but not depressed (if that makes any sense).

My sister doesn't get sluggish but, and this may just be me that thinks this, I am fiercely protective of my sister. I'm not overly religious but I prey almost nightly for my family to be watched over (As corny as it sounds) and maybe that might have something to do with it.

Does it follow me outside, the feeling persists once I've left the house, however I wasn't sure if that was because it was following me or it's just the general feeling persisting (hence why I didn't bring it up)

The book experience. I felt an unexplainable fear (as mention) my arms got a sharp pain in the wrists and I wanted to continue, I tried to force myself to continue but I couldn't get over the sensation of pain and fear.


Well no depression is good! :D Yay!

Belief is a powerful tool. My mother is hyporeligious and one can stand in her backyard where the feel of death and danger flows out like water across the land, but as soon as you step on the porch (even if you never lived there), a feeling of safety and protection comes over you. *shrug* So yeah, she might be protected via faith if it is paranormal related (not saying it is or isn't!)

It can be either or, but to me it normally just means something is omnomnoming my energy.

Try just leaving the book open and to the side and see if that happens again. *shrug* It's what I do.


Rightio, I'll have another try. Thank you very much. If possible would I be able to come to you for advice not about ridding myself of him, but maybe just telling him my stance on the matters I don't feel like he wants to be causing me harm I don't get the same pain I do typing this as I did with intention of properly ridding myself of him, as it is right now I've grabbed an Onyx stone, would that help me at all?


Onyx is normally for protection, defensive magic, and reducing sexual desires, so yeah, it should help.

If you wish to come to me for help, you may. I'll help you to the best of my abilities but I can guarantee nothing (as all things go with the paranormal related events). Well, I can make one guarantee and that's to help to the best of my abilities :)

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