
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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askin for a little bit of help

Started by mickey, May 27, 2011, 04:25:48 PM

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i'm new to the forum, and the reason i joined was because i wanted to learn as much as i could about the supernatural world. i guess if i were to talk about this stuff this is the perfect place.... my entire life i have had mediumistic abilities, or what ever you want to call it. it's only resent that i have actually embraced my gift, or what ever it is. i've been reading a million books, and talked to a million people, but no matter what, i can't get the spirits to leave me alone at night. is there anyone who has some advice?


Hi Mickey, first, welcome to Monstrous  :-)

Second, could you be more specific on the nature of the spirits haunting you? More info we get on their behavior and habits, will make it a bit easier for those that know this sort of matter to define and help ;)


if its urgent this should be on the mayday mayday section.

as for now just ask them to leave, or command them. make a salt circle around your room, place a mirror outside your door, use some herbs to cleanse your house (like dragon's blood and etc.), place some iron or silver under your pillow. use whatever you like just don't piss them off

(this is only my opinion)

this is just periodically
if bullets doesn't kill it than salt will


If your ok with comunicating with spirits, but just dont want them bothering you at certain times, like late at night or whenever, the first thing to do is set some rules. Just tell them what you want as far as when its ok for them to talk to you. More than likley they will listen, if not a more forcefull aproach can be taken. Just be clear as to what you want, stern but not rude. Most spirits are just people without bodies anyway, so treat them as such unless they give a reason not to.


Nothing I can advice save for listen to the other members. Most of what I would suggest, I would have to be there. :/ Sorry!

Though, I have found that playing music at night helps to drown them out. Just sayin'!

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