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Envelloped by darkness

Started by LeXtruX, July 25, 2011, 12:47:23 PM

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Hi, as you all now should know... I'm back ^^
First off, bear with me, I'm getting to my topic, let me tell you why I was absent for so long... I was depressed, deep, my ex, may she go to hell and burn for eternity, broke up with me on x-mas, which, in itself I could handle a little, but she ran off with one of my supposed to be best friends... So yea I was down deep...
Now, a few weeks ago, I saw her again... I just said hi in passing by, but she was envelloped in darkness... not really sadness, but more like, evil things are attracted to her. And to be honest, I was happy for her, because she's not going to have much luck from here on out... But now the real reason for posting, and this may be placed in the wrong part of the forum, but I tought this to be the relevent one, sort of, is that it might have something to do with me demanding the nearby demons/entities/parasites/whatever was arround and up to no good that I would not destroy them if they haunted her and her only...
It was nice to see they listened. But ever since I lost control of my powers, due to depression partly I guess, but it might have been also because I broke the rule of 3? I don't really know, because I did not use magic, or at least knowingly... The bad entities around my neighbourhood are scared of me and when I lost my powers my most powerfull shield was still up so they couldn't harm me, if you're interested ask me by pm and I'll explain the way it works there
Now the essence of the post: what are your toughts about what happened to me? could it be that I lost my powers because I ordered them, or not, or any other tought on this topic?

Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


Honestly, and this may sound ridiculous, I think it could be somewhat psychological. I mean, do you think you went against your own personal morals by doing it (if it indeed was caused by you)? Just like how in dire times a person can draw from inner strength, perhaps when breaking their own morals a person can shut themselves off from their strength. Like I said, sounds ridiculous.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


actually I did go against my morals, so it is possible, but it would have happened deep within my consious. Anyway, feel free to specualate and add thoughts and stuff, this is where the topic is for, some food for thought.^^
And No VM it was NOT ridiculous, this happens more often than one would think...

Let me add to the story, my ex got kicked out of her home, she alienated a lot of her friends because they don't like her anymore, etc etc, so evil is upon her, and I'm pretty sure it's my doing cuz even though my powers were locked I did recognize it :) and when I passed by it flowed away from her a bit to avoid me...

I've reconsidered, I'll be posting the shield technique here (in the Psi Zone)
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


It doesn't sound ridiculous to me, VM. I know that the effectiveness of your abilities is emotion based. Emotions go out of crazy, abilities go crazy, anywhere from powering up or weakening down. Keep it cool and keep it collected and you have them down pat. Now I'm not saying anything you can imagine, you can do, but it does have a strong foot in the door for that direction...

Personal Experience: I snapped one time when something was messing with me. I have never been too good at cleaning myself of... icky things but at that moment, I did wonderful.
Personal Experience: When my Cov members pointed out I never seemed to help them, I was hurt. I tried hard to make my abilities be more pronounced but when they didn't seem to work, I got hurt and mad at the same time. I threw my powers out in anger until my cov members could feel it. Now, I don't let anger get to me during any mystic mumbo jumbo nor do I get sad. In fact, I make jokes, and they have never messed with me cause I knew what I could do. I knew the max, and could tap into it without losing it. Cause I knew it was there.


I believe you, I just don't like placing direct blame on someone, so I tried to avoid that. Still, if it is psychological, will be difficult to "fix".
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


Don't worry VM, I don't feel blamed, I was stating it you could be right, since a few days I have some feel again with my powers, the glow on my hands is back (though not as big as it used to be, but it's getting there)... You're input is greatly appreciated :D and is most likely what happened too :)

anaya: thx for the input that was really what I was trying to state only put better :)
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


  This is absolutely the best place to post this np.

 As for the situation itself.  One wonders if this/these entity(s) were not attached shortly after the break up?  Remove them Lex and see if this individual's life straightens itself out.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Muerte you might be right, but I have no intentions to help her tbh... if I see them I'll banish them, but I'll not look them up :)
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


Quote from: Ladygriffin on July 25, 2011, 01:40:32 PM
Lex, you do realize that helping her MIGHT actually help you as well?

Considering what you've written, you seem to feel some guilt for her situation, and that guilt might be what's blocking you from accessing your powers.

  Dear Lady you are begining to know me way to well.  You keep reading what I haven't written with the clarity it takes others days (if not week) to comprehend.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


@LG: actually, yes I know this, but for now I don't feel guilt... and if I have to suffer that tat longer just so I could get sated because of what she did to me (I lost 70% of my friends to her lieing) but you're probably right, I'll try to revoke them from her...

anyways, muerte I did get that from your post, I just didn't feel like doing it just yet xD but I'll do so anyway ^^

Edit: thanks to some advice from LG removing them went pretty easy Oo Thanks LG for teaching me a lesson, again... as usual xD
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


This is probably a different angle to look at it, and I'm not saying "don't help her out," but maybe she attracted these to herself?  It may not have been completely you, maybe partially, but just a thought. 

Other than that, I do agree about the emotions affecting your abilities.  Mental health is related to emotional health is related to physical health is related back to mental health.  If you do feel guilty inside, whether it's showing outwardly or not and whether or not what is happening to her is really your fault, fixing it could help. 

But that's nothing no one has already put forth  :roll:  Just showing I agree.


thx dae, you're right, as you all are, and deep down inside I knew it too, so that's why I put my stubourness aside and did what I felt was right, though I didn't wanted to do it, it did go in against my morals... I guess I'll never surpass Mo in not being human, humanity runs in my veins too much, I care about humans even though I hate humankind... I don't know... well guess I got to do what my consience and my heart tell me to do? and surpass mo in my own way?

comeon people, it's not because I've found my reason that we can't speculate on what may cause loss of powers when dealing with dark creatures (bad intent)... I want to see theories and stuff ^^ chop chop :p
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^

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