
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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Hello. Eleanore here & new to Monstrous & searching

Started by Eleanora, August 19, 2011, 05:48:40 AM

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I am new here and hoping to find out if anyone has had any similar experiences or if I am just alone.
Here is my story shortened so it will not take a week to read.
Since I can remember I sometimes see beings or spirits. Sometimes I can sense things and can see people that are not really people or something that is walking the street that is not even close to human. The worst is when it's a horribly evil being(s) that are hard to describe but it's overwhelmingly oppressive the way I feel. its combination of evil, scary, & dangerous feeling even if they look like everyone else you "know" they aren't. This also happens with some people I can sense their character I guess that is the best way to describe it.
I do believe in all kinds of life and just because something is considered a "monster" or not "normal" (whatever normal is) it does not and never has made it bad or evil not to me. All life is different & all kinds of life exists & I have no problem with that it is normal for me.
I guess I never really realized until my 20's that not everyone had such experiences although at the same time I knew not to tell anyone. I did find out others related to me (family I never really knew) could know things or see things others cannot. I really am not skilled & do not see all that much compared to others. I know I sound crazy.
When I was little I remember very bad beings around me and my family and also other forms of life (non human) that were decent too even good. I cannot remember most of my life before age six. At age six we lived next to a doctor and when friends would come over of various ages to play with me or my siblings they would also see beings/creatures in our yard & home. One time a black leathery winged creature flew from this doctors yard over our yard as a bunch of my older siblings friends watched (witnesses) these kids were approx. ages 12-16 it flew over our open carport and they watched for it and it just disappeared into nowhere. My friends were always with me when they ran into something it was so bad our friends would stop visiting. I honestly can say I don't think I slept for years because no matter how much I tried to sneak into my parents room or my siblings so I would not be alone at night I was terrible at sneaking always got caught. No one believed me about things in my room so usually I was alone at night. Every night the footsteps would start on my carpet which was high shag which was the big style way back then. Movement (no one there) moving from the door to the bed around the bed. Also sometimes banging at my window with NO access on the second floor!People would look out my window & see creatures walking & vanish. I saw once what looked a sibling but I knew it wasn't them I don't know why but I just knew it wasn't my sibling. I called to my sibling in my doorway a few times & then it smiled this beyond enormous evil grin with a mouth full of dagger like teeth a mouthful of them and then it grew smaller & smaller until it just disappeared I was wide awake not having a nightmare.
It's weirder & longer of a story but although now in my late 30's and living in another state from that home still odd things occur & it's hard to co exist with it when it's something bad or even evil in nature especially if it is with someone who a child or other innocent who doesn't know. I don't want to go out and even hid away from the world for that and other reasons. So I wondered has anyone else had or still have these issues at times? I have no problem as I said above with anyone or any type of beings whether some parts human or not at all. The only exception is the ones I talked about above that are so dangerous. I do believe something about where we lived, my family line, and this doctor are somehow connected. I have very scary odd memories that are more like dreams so I don't really know if I am imagining this doctor was involved or if he just lived next door by coincidence. I think I know something that I cannot remember which is maybe why I cannot remember anything really before age six. There is way more but I just wondered if this is so crazy I shouldn't even pursue answers. Do I ignore all of this? I have always been especially drawn to the subject of paranormal/supernatural & such as if that's where I need to be in some way with support or research to protect or help. But not to expose life that would be hurt if other knew about it. I been told I maybe be empathic in some way but I don't know.
I know how crazy this all sounds but I was desperate just to put this out there to someone to anyone. My apologies for this not being much of a story and being so long but I'm nervous. Maybe I am crazy too? Thank you for reading this if anyone wants to reply that would be great. I'm a wreck about posting this since I don't doubt anyone here except myself.
Thank you, Eleanora.
"We are terrified of the idea of being terrified" Friedrich Nietzsche

"Not all monsters are bad just as humans are not always good."


Welcome Eleanora.  And no, you are not crazy. Things like that happen far more often than you may think. Most of us here have had our fair share of strange experiances. Some of us to the point that they arent even that strange anymore.

Good luck finding the answers your looking for.


Well, welcome to Monstrous AGAIN! Seems my post mysteriously disappeared! xD

As Ravin stated, you are not crazy, some of us are born with the ability to see 4th dimension, it usually goes within the bloodline, so im not surprised that your family members can do it too. I know some of those beings can look scary, but it is important you dont let those feel your fear. Negative emotions feed negative entities, and positive emotions (higher vibrations) feed-attract positive ones. So, what you need to do is learn how to focus on positive. You can find a lot of sections here that could help you gather info that you need.

Also, there are many other sources to learn from, but it takes that you decide what you want to do with it. Enhance it, silence it... all up to you ;)


Welcome to Monstrous Eleanora, and definitely listen to the people above my post. Plenty of information to find here, and like Nina said, negative emotions do in fact feed negative entities. Try to keep a positive vibe in you, and things should be fine for the most part. Still, if you feel it best to be prepared, take a look around. And yeah, pretty much everyone here is here because we have had our own experiences (be them bad or good).
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


Also, im curious, do you have a red pigment of hair, green (or blue) eyes and blood type 0+/- ?


I have no idea of my blood type although I do have blue eyes and they can sometimes go to a teal blue. In my family eye color can change with what color we're wearing although my eyes never really have changed like that.  I don't know if this matters but there is a somewhat rare eye condition that runs in my family our eyes don't dilate correctly. Full sunlight and our eyes can look black even the eye doctors can be a bit freaked out so we tell them before hand. I think that could why so many migraines are in normal in my family. This same side of my family also has many red heads. I didn't know anyone except my Grandmother who was a strawberry blond. My hair although brunette always had a quite a bit of auburn before I had to start coloring it. The above mentioned are all inherited on the side of the family that I mentioned in my post. I never was able to talk to my Grandmother about this or our family but was only told to block it (ability) and never talk about it. Most in my family decided to close off this part of themselves so to be able to have normal lives but I cannot seem to do that nor an I inclined to.
Thank you for your questions and for answering my post I really appreciate this.
"We are terrified of the idea of being terrified" Friedrich Nietzsche

"Not all monsters are bad just as humans are not always good."


The reason i asked you this is cause it is proved that those sort of abilities are followed by physical markings, same reason why red hairs were so "popular" among the inquisition. Huge percent of seers have red hair (pigment) and such eyes. Mine can also change through yellow to dark brown, but are mostly green.

And thank you for joining our family ;)

ps: im type 0+ ;)


hey my bloodtype is 0-   :-o

what everyone is posting is completely true, what u're experiencing is a completely normal thing, hell what you said sounds familiar with my life since i could remember but i was able to do stuff  :wink:
but the best way to handle this is to not show fear towards these entities or they'll push you around so you've gotta show them your balls, i prefer being a smart ass as well  :-D
and actually this stuff runs in my family as well or at least my grams and mom have had the same experiences as well but i get the raw end of the abilities of seeing and feeling the energies of the entities, when i was a little girl i thought i was a freak and crazy as hell but now i know that i'm not  :-) oh and welcome  :-) to the monstrous family as well  :-D

Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...


Quote from: Ladygriffin on August 19, 2011, 06:33:01 AM
Hi, and welcome to Monstrous!

I moved your topic to Ghostly Encounters - hope you don't mind. Think it fits better here.  :wink:

My apologies for not responding sooner. I want to thank you for moving this to a category you thought was better so no worries :)
Everyone has been so kind. Thank you for such a wonderful welcome.

"We are terrified of the idea of being terrified" Friedrich Nietzsche

"Not all monsters are bad just as humans are not always good."


Quote from: confused_mystery on August 20, 2011, 07:11:43 AM
hey my bloodtype is 0-   :-o

what everyone is posting is completely true, what u're experiencing is a completely normal thing, hell what you said sounds familiar with my life since i could remember but i was able to do stuff  :wink:
but the best way to handle this is to not show fear towards these entities or they'll push you around so you've gotta show them your balls, i prefer being a smart ass as well  :-D
and actually this stuff runs in my family as well or at least my grams and mom have had the same experiences as well but i get the raw end of the abilities of seeing and feeling the energies of the entities, when i was a little girl i thought i was a freak and crazy as hell but now i know that i'm not  :-) oh and welcome  :-) to the monstrous family as well  :-D

Thank you for letting me know about you and that I'm not alone out here. :-)
"We are terrified of the idea of being terrified" Friedrich Nietzsche

"Not all monsters are bad just as humans are not always good."


Quote from: ravinclaw on August 19, 2011, 07:14:32 AM
Welcome Eleanora.  And no, you are not crazy. Things like that happen far more often than you may think. Most of us here have had our fair share of strange experiances. Some of us to the point that they arent even that strange anymore.

Good luck finding the answers your looking for.

Thank you. :-)
"We are terrified of the idea of being terrified" Friedrich Nietzsche

"Not all monsters are bad just as humans are not always good."


Quote from: Eleanora on August 24, 2011, 07:13:51 PM
Quote from: confused_mystery on August 20, 2011, 07:11:43 AM
hey my bloodtype is 0-   :-o

what everyone is posting is completely true, what u're experiencing is a completely normal thing, hell what you said sounds familiar with my life since i could remember but i was able to do stuff  :wink:
but the best way to handle this is to not show fear towards these entities or they'll push you around so you've gotta show them your balls, i prefer being a smart ass as well  :-D
and actually this stuff runs in my family as well or at least my grams and mom have had the same experiences as well but i get the raw end of the abilities of seeing and feeling the energies of the entities, when i was a little girl i thought i was a freak and crazy as hell but now i know that i'm not  :-) oh and welcome  :-) to the monstrous family as well  :-D

Thank you for letting me know about you and that I'm not alone out here. :-)
your welcome  :-D
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...

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