
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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hi everyone! i'm mickey!

Started by mickey, September 11, 2011, 08:35:51 AM

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so i'm kinda new here, and i have to say everyone so far has been so warm and welcoming! i came here because growing up i knew i was different, and i was hoping this would be a place i could fit in... fingers crossed. i have heard from a few people of all of the weird issues that have been going around the community, and i hope and pray that this doesn't affect my say here. also, this is my first ever forum, and i know the rules, but i'm not so familiar with "forum etiquette" lol, so i'll take any help i can get! thanks xoxox


thank you! i really hope that this can be a safe haven for me!


Welcome to the Castle of Monstrous Mickey! :)


Im sure you will do just fine here Mickey.  Welcome to Monstrous.



Welcome Mickey, always good to get new recruits here. :-D
When we are not curious about the world around us, we might as well be dead.


What doesnt kill you. will only make you stronger.


Hello & welcome!
Don't feel nervous about being here. I am a newbie or Monstrous Imp myself and learning the ropes still. Everyone on here has been really great and helpful. Patience is something I've come across alot here also which helps.
I sure know what you mean about growing up feeling different and knowing just instinctually.
You're not alone though. For whatever reason that you are "different" there is a reason for you.  Perhaps that doesn't help much now but as you learn you're not crazy or alone you will be more comfortable.
I have been finding out so many people here in the world hide (I have too) whatever makes them different in attempt to blend. I was told to do the same in order to protect myself.
The people in this world are becoming more opened minded and that helps a lot too. Sites like Monstrous really helps.
Just remember your not alone out there. Okay?
My best to you & yours :-)
"We are terrified of the idea of being terrified" Friedrich Nietzsche

"Not all monsters are bad just as humans are not always good."

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