
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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Sensing Death

Started by Thirteen, September 14, 2011, 04:49:11 PM

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I know for a fact that everyone has the power to detect when something isn't right.

I was just curious as to where you think it stems from.

Say you have a dream about a close friend or family member dying or getting hurt, etc., then you find out that they broke their leg or got hurt or had a scare in a less tragic sense. Or even more powerful, a premonition of a death or a national tragedy.

Why do we have these dreams/thoughts/visions? Is it our "alarm system"? A part in our brain? A natural phenomenon?

I've also heard people say that animals can tell the weather and if something along the lines of a natural disaster is going to occur. For example, when cows lay down they say it's going to rain. And dogs know when you're sad or if there's danger. Cat's can tell when you're dying. Etc.

What do you make of this?
If you can't beat 'em - join 'em.

Call me a monster and I'll grin.
Cal me a sinner and my grin will get grinner.


I'm just going to speak to the animal side of this since it's where I have most experience. All animals can sense death, not just cats. There is debate as to whether it is a hormonal/chemical change they can smell & recognize or if it is something more than that. I've seen my dog's who live together every day suddenly start to leave one dog alone & within days the animal has passed. In mammals when a mother rejects a newborn from the litter it is usually because the pup has a lower chance of survival & isn't worth wasting the energy or milk on since she has others to care for. I personally had an experience with my horse when I was younger. He was an older horse but in good general health. The last time I took him jumping he fell after the last jump. He wasn't injured but did have some trouble getting up. When he did stand up & I looked at him I knew he only had a few more months & that it would involve his breathing. 6 months later he was euthanized for esophageal cancer, a tumor which made breathing impossible. To me, this kind of thing comes from an emotional connection to the person/animal. Twins have this experience most frequently.

So I guess my answer would be, it's a little bit of instinct (nature) & emotional bond (nurture).


Well put Countess, I've had similar experiences and that feels like the best way to answer it. After all, we are 'animals', so why shouldn't we have instincts to tap into?
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


We can sense it by instinct as well, we just stopped listening to our instincts and most of us can't sense it that well anymore.
When we are not curious about the world around us, we might as well be dead.


The subconcious mind can go places the concious mind cant. Controling where it goes and what it learns is damn near imposible because our logic holds us to "reality" and s**t like that just cant happen in the real world Right???

Unless we loosen the hold on our "reality" which can be dangerous. If you let it slip all together its a spiral into the oblivion of madness.  %*)  Problem is....... will we know when we ziged when we should have zaged?

Thought inspiring? Anyone? :-D


Sounds like a recollection of my own descent into madness, Ravin.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


Me too. But the mad dont know their mad.... so we must be fine  :-D 

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