
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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Started by Nina, October 12, 2011, 12:02:31 PM

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Nice theory, huh? ;)

"The final division of the soul that took place eons and eons ago could be likened to the separating of a magnet into two separate pieces. Each piece would be predominately one polarity or the other but a residual amount of its opposite essence would always be present within itself. So it is with the divided twin (soul). The masculine half has always retained some of the original feminine energy that the soul first possessed while the feminine half still holds onto a part of the masculine essence it once was united with. Since that time we have roamed around in this incomplete state of being experiencing life after life and relationship after relationship until we decide we've had enough and want something more fulfilling. In order for that to happen each twin must first achieve a balance of masculine and feminine essence within themselves and bring that balanced energy to each other to complete the whole.

Ultimately, each and every one of us will reach a point when a very serious choice and commitment is made... to begin the process of growing and evolving on a spiritual level. As that happens we will rediscover our true spiritual nature and go through an inner transformation that is so profound it will affect the deepest part of our being. At that moment the soul begins to crave completion with its Source in a way that is difficult to describe unless one has experienced it. Part of this craving will be satisfied by reunion with our twin."

rest at:  Twin Flames


I used to think that the "twin flame" theory was hokey, until I met my husband. We definitely have a strong spiritual connection that niether of us has experienced before. We've dreamed the same dreams, and we've both had dreams of being with each other in different lifetimes. I'm not sure if we fit into the twin flame category, but both of us have come to a place where we are spiritually balanced; more balanced now that we are together, I think.

I have read that people in twin flame relationships are not necessarily man and woman. What do you think about that? Would it be possible for people of the same gender, or possibly a parent and child? From wrhat I've read, these relationships are not about romance, but are a deeper, spiritual connection.

And I think it's a nice theory.  :-)


You are both lucky to be able to find each other :)

I think that when it comes to Twin flames, it is about masculine finding the feminine and vice versa. Not saying its impossible for those to be of same gender, but then again, there are many people that are energetically more of the other gender than of that that they are. Its not about romance, true that, but a deep spiritual connection always has that sort of "I belong to someone" feeling, even if the relationship is purely platonic. Also, speaking of that if we consider sexual connection too, dont you agree that a perfect twin flame would also fit you in that way perfectly? Being of harmonic frequency and all....


I think that the deep spiritual connection we are talking about definitely has that feeling of belonging. I think it's important to remember, though, that sometimes our humanity takes over and things aren't always perfect...

Why do you think a soul would want to split in two? To have the companionship through its journey? I have read that in order to appreciate love one has to experience a loss of it; maybe the soul splits to have this experience?


Its quite possible one way of learning for the soul. Or maybe just a "high" that reminds souls of that belonging to One? *shrugs* cant tell with certainty cause I faulted greatly when thought i found my own...


I'm sorry, Sister. You so deserve to have it.


EDIT: Removed
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


@Leshy: yeah, well, we will see, thank you sister ;)...

@T: its very likely, for me it is sort of an ultimate "partners in crime" idea, and that sounds like it :)


So... what happens, if your Other Half passes away?
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


I guess it can pass the energy to some other body. Death is not the end.

just found this one, thought it was hilarious

ps: it would be soooo nice if the mind games would end....

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