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6 Winged Man. Is this Seraph?

Started by Nina, October 16, 2011, 05:19:55 PM

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I know there are 6 winged angels

QuoteAbove him were Seraphs, each with six wings, with two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.

that wouldnt be fae though... but would certainly mean trouble, specially if its holding black fire in its hand  :-o


Yes Seraphim are very interesting.   Two wings to cover there eyes, two to cover there feet and two for them to fly on I believe.  They are said to be the highest ranking of angels...I think. 


Hm, depends on which source actually.

QuoteIn Orthodox Judaism, the Seraphim are part of a unique and complex angelic hierarchy, where they occupy the fifth rank out of ten ranks of angels, all of which are outlined within the exposition of Maimonides.

The Quran claims that Allah has created angels to have up to four wings, no more than that:

QuoteAll praise belongs to ALLAH, the originator of the heavens and the earth, Who employs the angels as Messengers, having wings, two, three, and four (mathna wa thulatha wa rubaAAa).


which I do see you have.   That is very true that with in each different sub set of religions you will have whole other hierarchy of angels and even demons. 

QuoteIn medieval Christian theology, the Seraphim belong to the highest choir of the Christian angelic hierarchy.

QuoteLiterally "burning ones", the word is normally a synonym for serpents when used in the Hebrew Bible, but they are mentioned in the Book of Isaiah as fiery six-winged beings which praise God while encircling His throne. This can be seen in Revelation 4:8 "Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings

that is at least from the "Christian" stand point.


That description would give us more of a snake than a six winged man though...

Here is a cool link

Kael true.  Ya I do like the link its god bunch of good information :D.  Since we are on the topic of angels and such I was wondering of your view on the exiled ones or the watchers they were revered to as.  They are said to be the angels that sinned by taking daughters of eve and then giving birth to the Nephlim etc..


Day a bit hectic now, but Ill certainly get back to answer that, if I already havent in some of the older posts.

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