
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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Motley Vogue

Started by TeteoInan, October 18, 2011, 06:53:58 AM

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So, there didn't really seem to be a topic for just Member's modifications, hair styles, clothing preferences, etc. Questions of Goth, Industrial all over the place though.
So... what are yours? Something you don't have, that you want??

I've mentioned mine in another topic, and a couple other members have mentioned theirs.
Ear mod and Hair dye for one ( which I still wanna see! :-D )

EDIT: Removed
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


I had a piercing but took it out, posted why in some other topic. Got a tatt on my left side of the back, Sun and the Moon ;) Moon looking a bit wicked O:) Life scars dont count, or do they?


Well, if you think of them as a Modification I guess. It's not something you've done to yourself on purpose ( or have you?  8-) ) but if it's something you'd show off, sure.

Like... I wouldn't go into detail about some of my other scars, but my encounters scars are pretty wicked.  :-D
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


QuoteIt's not something you've done to yourself on purpose

Maybe :roll:


Industrial in left ear, snake bites, bridge.

Full color back piece showing my inner struggle. Continuation of that on my right arm, chest and ribs.

Did the superman at the last suspension party i went to. Teteo was there, did lotus suspension!

That's it for now.


"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


Quote from: TeteoInan on October 18, 2011, 11:26:47 AM
I forgot about that.

Wow, Azzy and T are badass, BADASS!!!! I've never done anything like suspension, but kind of would like too...but Wolfie is kind of scared at the same time...but want's...but is afraid *Old Inner wolf conflict over this issue restarts*...

Sorry T, the hairdye is now gone...but it was rather similiar to what Gaga had in "The Edge of Glory" music video, and the style was "80s rocker" though, but I had to revert to a more "conservative" hairstyle for my uncles funeral today...*wolf sighs* As soon as this blows over completely (when he is planted tomorrow)...I'm gonna dye my hair Red and style it punk...

My hair is the ultimate expression of how-ever I feel at the changes every couple of weeks... :-P

I only have two tattoos, the aforementioned Spanish one (My Eternal Love, Alexis) and the wolves on my collarbone-upper-chest area...but I want to get one when my daughters born...I don't know what it will be, but I probably will when she is born...

I usually wear "normal stuff" to work (dress shirt etc.), but I wear a lot of goth stuff otherwise...My black coat, my biker boots, my black cargo pants, and the "required" chains and spikes...but I wear my Dre Beats around my neck a lot, or accent it with steampunk googles and bowler hats (unless the hairstyle-of-the-week doesn't permit that!)

My Steampunk Goggles, Beats and my tail/ears (read Bane's thread to understand) are kind of like my grown-up "security blankets"...everytime it's been a stressful day or I've had something bad happen, I usually wear one or all of these things...

I only have piercings on my ears though (as of yet, Wolfie wants tongue and eyebrow piercings BAD! :evil:), two on my lower ear and one at the top...

Oh, and I did get my ears *slightly* pointed to resemble wolf ears...I just love my ears, they feel so "wolfy" :-P...but a lot of people think they're odd, and people like my father hate them and say that they're ugly...oh well, could never please Dad before, prolly not gonna start now :lol:
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


Quote from: ArcticWolf88 on November 03, 2011, 02:59:40 PM
Wow, Azzy and T are badass, BADASS!!!! I've never done anything like suspension, but kind of would like too...but Wolfie is kind of scared at the same time...but want's...but is afraid *Old Inner wolf conflict over this issue restarts*...

My hair is the ultimate expression of how-ever I feel at the changes every couple of weeks... :-P

I wouldn't call it Badass. Bored, more like.

I use to dye my hair ALL the time before I had my oldest.
For me, it was sometimes for Mood... but mostly for outfits. "I'm going to wear... These colors this week."
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


Quote from: TeteoInan on November 04, 2011, 11:27:13 AM
Quote from: ArcticWolf88 on November 03, 2011, 02:59:40 PM
Wow, Azzy and T are badass, BADASS!!!! I've never done anything like suspension, but kind of would like too...but Wolfie is kind of scared at the same time...but want's...but is afraid *Old Inner wolf conflict over this issue restarts*...

My hair is the ultimate expression of how-ever I feel at the changes every couple of weeks... :-P

I've done Lotus with Azzy, Knee/Falkner with my Brother as my very first time, and Suicide at a Suspension Party a few years ago.
I wouldn't call it Badass. Bored, more like.

I use to dye my hair ALL the time before I had my oldest.
For me, it was sometimes for Mood... but mostly for outfits. "I'm going to wear... These colors this week."

I think it is! Wolfies gonna try it now...on Sunday, and in honor of that (and to freak people out!)...I'm gonna do the Crucifix Suspension, I'm still afraid, but really excited at the same time, and I get to freak more people out...which is always fun :-P

When I'm done on Monstrous, my hair is gonna be died totally black with a red streak in it somewhere...and spiked up really tall, total departure from last style...

Wolfie loves to style his fur, and by next week, it will be totally different! I'm in more of a "punk" kind of mood this week!
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


Just relax if you do it.
The feeling, the sensations are a little overwhelming...
It varies, but my first time was me hanging upside down, so I got a whole lot of sensations. ( blood rush, endorphins going nuts... )
I was ready for a nap afterwards.
Very content, very lazy feeling.
I feel like a freak now,  :laugh:
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


Quote from: TeteoInan on November 04, 2011, 09:01:39 PM
Just relax if you do it.
The feeling, the sensations are a little overwhelming...
It varies, but my first time was me hanging upside down, so I got a whole lot of sensations. ( blood rush, endorphins going nuts... )
I was ready for a nap afterwards.
Very content, very lazy feeling.
I feel like a freak now,  :laugh:

Oh, I'm doing it! I've wanted to do this for a LONG time, but have been to afraid, but am SO NOT gonna pass this up...

I'm doing the Crucifix one for my first time! Have u ever done that one T?

I'll probably feel like that too, but we already know that Wolfies pain-pleasure line is seriously blurred can't hurt THAT bad (or good) anyway :-P

T, the above statement proves that were probably BOTH freaks...I love being called a freak, its a compliment in my view...and on that note, T and I are such FREAKS! :lol: :lol: :lol:
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


Nope, all the suspensions I've done I listed already.
And here's to being a freak then?

The craziest thing I've done within the past year or so is chop my hair off.
It was down to my bellybutton, and I had the back of it shaved, gradually getting longer, and then my bangs ( and maybe a little more ) chopped shoulder length.
I dyed it two colors after that.
I needed a change, and I had to have my head shaved for surgery anyways...
I'll see if I can find a picture of just the haircut.
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


Quote from: TeteoInan on November 05, 2011, 07:23:12 AM
Nope, all the suspensions I've done I listed already.
And here's to being a freak then?

The craziest thing I've done within the past year or so is chop my hair off.
It was down to my bellybutton, and I had the back of it shaved, gradually getting longer, and then my bangs ( and maybe a little more ) chopped shoulder length.
I dyed it two colors after that.
I needed a change, and I had to have my head shaved for surgery anyways...
I'll see if I can find a picture of just the haircut.

I'm doing something that Teo hasn't done that's cool 8-)

Yep, that's the angel I was getting at, being a freak is more fun than being boring or the very ill-defined "normal" anyway...

Noooooooooooooo....I could NEVER shave my head (except for a surgery, if need be)! My hair is an instrument of self-expression and it's part of one my signature stage acts too, where I light my own hair on fire...its coated in some plastic stuff that keeps it from burning for real and some fast burning solvent (like rubbing alcohol), and sometimes I add chemicals to the alcohol to make the flames blue or make them sparkle...and yes, I have botched it a couple of times, and had a real fire accidentally...but that was three times out of like hundreds...

Dom told me over the phone I should play the song Judas and wear my own freak out some of our old friends since he can't do it (he's in LA)! I'm seriously considering it! :-P Freaking people out is always so fun! :evil:
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


This is the haircut... the best picture I've got of it, anyways.

EDIT: Picture Removed...

And I can't find any unedited pictures of how long my hair was before it got chopped... plenty of pics with my hair pulled back and flipped over, but *shrug* that doesn't help, now does it?  :-P

EDIT: Some Removed
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


Not bad Teo, I have had much more questionable hairstyles than most anything you guys can think of (probably) yea its all good...

I could never do a style that required me to shave my head even partially...I'd never do that except for medical reasons...Wolfie even shudders at getting his fur CUT, I hate it, but I still do it (occasionally)...

My hair was so long that it reached down to the middle of my back...but I got it cut for hunting season, so I would have a repeat of it getting caught in a tree branch like last year...that was a lively, painful and expletive/growl filled 15 or 20 minutes! *facepalm*

I have pictures of my dreads and my ponytail when I was like that, but not of it fully down sadly...those may work, I'll have to look for those pictures....
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"

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