
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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Revisited: Feeding on Were's and Therian's

Started by ArcticWolf88, October 20, 2011, 10:32:45 PM

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OK, the last thread on this kind of just died out and half of the people on that thread aren't even here anymore, I read it but still have questions...

OK I have a vampire in my pack, Amanda and we were all in a band at that time called La Clube Sanguine in HS...and right before a performance in our Junior Year, she really needed blood bad, so being the good friend I am (and not wanting to delay rehearsal any longer), I let her feed off of me...BIG MISTAKE!!! I'm a Were and my blood made her so sick she had to go home and recover for the rest of the day and then we had no bassist and had to cancel the show...Apparently, even though it made her sick, she still said my blood tasted good and she liked the artistic and "male" energy she got from it, but it still made her sick...(I've gotten REAL good at censorship in my time on this forum, haven't I? 8-))

Is it true that any Vamp that feeds on Were blood will get sick like that....What's so different about Were or Therian blood that makes Vamps sick...and could I get sick if I ever drank Vamp Blood, as a Were (Theoretically, of course...)?

Now how long until T or Nina posts XD
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


I suppose I will have to take this one. As a no-longer-feeding sang vampire it has been a while since I tasted blood. I have never fed off a were before but I couldn't imagine it to be much different. The different energy shouldn't make any difference physically to your stomach but sometimes an over indulgence will cause the drinker to be automatically sick as the stomach naturally rejects blood. We do not condone blood drinking and if anyone would like help coming off of it and cannot get the hang of psy feeding I would be more than happy to talk and help. Kind of like AA only I don't supply coffee or cookies.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Hehe, Angelus got to this one first Arctic.  :-)
And, I'm not sure if you have had much interaction with him, but I'd pay attention...

Maybe it was something as simple as your Blood type, or how much Iron you had in your system.
Most Therians, especially the more carnivorous sort, will have iron and protein as primaries in their diet... makes the blood thick, and rich.
I'm sure apart from rejecting foregin contents, the body would react to blood the same way it would react to Salt water, since they're pretty similar.
If I understand my buddy correctly, there is absolutely no known Nutritional value from it, and there are risks ( disease, dehydration, etc )... but there is a "need" or at least a strong desire, for the Life Force and Energy part of it.

So... what about Milk? ( I know it may sound gross, but I'm talking about Mommy type Milk here... )

Please keep in mind, I'm answering with only one personal Vampire source, and the few months of Nutrition science I had to take in school, so my answers might not be correct. As always, it's better to do research when given any leads, rather than just taking responses and advice as the answer you need. Especially when answers coming from me are about Vampires  :lol:
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


Or, she simply had hard time accepting something that was in your blood at the time?


Quote from: TeteoInan on October 21, 2011, 06:34:49 AM
Hehe, Angelus got to this one first Arctic.  :-)
And, I'm not sure if you have had much interaction with him, but I'd pay attention...

Maybe it was something as simple as your Blood type, or how much Iron you had in your system.
Most Therians, especially the more carnivorous sort, will have iron and protein as primaries in their diet... makes the blood thick, and rich.
I'm sure apart from rejecting foregin contents, the body would react to blood the same way it would react to Salt water, since they're pretty similar.
If I understand my buddy correctly, there is absolutely no known Nutritional value from it, and there are risks ( disease, dehydration, etc )... but there is a "need" or at least a strong desire, for the Life Force and Energy part of it.

So... what about Milk? ( I know it may sound gross, but I'm talking about Mommy type Milk here... )

Please keep in mind, I'm answering with only one personal Vampire source, and the few months of Nutrition science I had to take in school, so my answers might not be correct. As always, it's better to do research when given any leads, rather than just taking responses and advice as the answer you need. Especially when answers coming from me are about Vampires  :lol:

Well, I thought maybe a vamp (or vamp in recovery :-D) might get here first too...

My blood types the same as hers, A-...she made sure of that before feeding on me and it's not like I have any diseases or anything...but the iron/protein thing may have been part of it...As a Were, I am quite carnivorous, and that may have been a part of it, is it possible to have to much iron/protein in your blood? But that doesn't explain after she recovered how she still got the energy she needed and pin-pointed the kind of energy she liked from my blood...being in a band, in all the school plays and going an arts school and the fact I was a 17-year-old guy (let alone a Were!) was probably the reason she liked those kinds of energies she mentioned and why they were so prominent in my blood as to be noticed...
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


Quote from: ArcticWolf88 on October 21, 2011, 10:27:43 AM

Well, I thought maybe a vamp (or vamp in recovery :-D) might get here first too...

My blood types the same as hers, A-...she made sure of that before feeding on me and it's not like I have any diseases or anything...but the iron/protein thing may have been part of it...As a Were, I am quite carnivorous, and that may have been a part of it, is it possible to have to much iron/protein in your blood? But that doesn't explain after she recovered how she still got the energy she needed and pin-pointed the kind of energy she liked from my blood...being in a band, in all the school plays and going an arts school and the fact I was a 17-year-old guy (let alone a Were!) was probably the reason she liked those kinds of energies she mentioned and why they were so prominent in my blood as to be noticed...

The blood type makes no difference. Any vampire that claims otherwise has watched too much tv. No different flavor. The persons diet can change the flavor and the energy. Your friend will have got the energy she needs and the were energy may have made a difference. But the reason for the vomiting is her stomach just rejected it.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.

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