
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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New chick here!

Started by Bane Bloodfang, October 25, 2011, 04:47:45 AM

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Bane Bloodfang

Joined yesterday, thought this place is one of the better forums I've seen- hosting so many subsections on many of my interests so I just had to join! I'm hoping the forums are lively as theres nothing worse than a mostly dead forum -_-.
On observation I like the fact this forum is a safe haven for people in to occult things but I've noticed theres some very sacastic and provocative comments left by older users in subsections of things they A) don't understand or B) not involved with at all and it saddens me because this is meant to be a place where people can comfortably discuss things that they may normally be uncomfortable talking about. Having said that theres a lot of very wonderful people on here, many people showing genuine concern for those who have listed issues needing help and/or advice. So my bad experiances are severly outweighed by the good I just felt I should bring that attitude issue to light as its a very ugly thing to see in experianced users but hopefully thats just a few bad apples having bad days.

However back on topic, I'm a 20 year old chilled out British chick who loves most things and hates the ignorant, selfish and cruel. I'll be lurking in the demonology, werewolf, ghost, crypto areas the most but I'll be about in the others too observing topics that may perk my interest. If you wanna know more about me you'll have to get to know me ;P
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


Welcome to Monstrous, if I haven't already said it.
The forum may have some quiet times, but a few members and I have been striving to make the site more active.

Anywhere you go, real life or online, you will have wormholes, flamers, and people that enjoy pointing out stupidity and correcting it. Sometimes these guys can be mixed up, who is who and all... Just remember, if you have a problem with a member, take it to them via PrivateMessage or take it up with a Moderator ( or higher ).

Otherwise, enjoy your stay, and I'm looking forward to seeing your posts.  :-D
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


I feal some of that is aimed at me, so allow me to explain. And for the record, I dont mind at all explaining to anyone why I made any post, or why I made it the way I did, but in most cases I will only do so on pm.

A few days ago a fellow came into our forum and straight out of the gate he quoted a small piece of a Moderators post, then went on to explain why it was wrong. And he did it in a very arogant and disrespectful way.

My hopes were to give him a taste of his own medicine, along with a target for him to aim at if he chose to show further disrespect to this comunity, Me.

But for the most part it was all misunderstood, therfore pointless.

I have been here for around three years, and I have never seen anyone mistreated who enters this comunity with respect. I have on the other hand seen many enter with guns drawn, like this was some sort of showdown at the farking Ok Coral, and time and time again I have seen them cut down. Most of the members who stood up for the rest are gone, but I am not. As long as I am here, if anyone comes in here agressivly and with disrespect they will hear from me.

Yes I am fully aware that I can be an ass hole, but I can promise you I am an ass hole with purpose  :-D


"people that enjoy pointing out stupidity and correcting it"  :wink:

"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."

Bane Bloodfang

Ah Ravinclaw I mean't not to offend anyone in particular regarding my comment about provocative and sarcastic users. It was an over all comment with no particular user in mind. You're a mod and I understand the responsibility of that position and tbh you seem like you're doing a good job and hay being an asshole with a purpose is a -good- thing :> I know a few mods and admins with a similar attitude on other forums and they're all decent people. So rest assured ravin, my comment was not directed to you in anyway  8-)

Wow this sounds like a kiss ass comment XD
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


Welcome to monstrous Bane. :-) Don't worry about that stuff, most of it is joking around.
When we are not curious about the world around us, we might as well be dead.

Bane Bloodfang

Just a shout out to everyone who has welcomed me, especially to TeteoInan who has extra wonderful and talkative :> I appreciate the welcomes and I can't wait to get to talk to you guys more :3
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


Awww, you're welcome hon!  :lol:
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


I wasnt offended Bane, and Im not a Mod. I may become a moderator if the forum ever neads one like me bad enough, but for now we are in good hands with the ones we have. I have been called the "Monstrous guard dog" on ocasion though, and its probably pretty acurate.

That being said, Welcome to Monstrous. I hope your stay with us is long and enjoyable.


and Im not a Mod

Well, I dont wanna push you into anything that you dont want, but you know we are always in need for good guard dogs... oops, I mean mods ;) all you gotta do is apply ;)


Haha, oh dear. Ravin as a Mod? ( "Run for yer lives!" )  :laugh:  :laugh:
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


Lol, I think Mr Shakespeare put it best. "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!"

No nead to worry right now though, Im not only very buisy but somewhat lazy.  :-D


And now the "lazy dog" gets totally new meaning  :lol:


"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."

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